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Such useless gifts. They're nothing but to trick her siding with someone else. Colorful kimonos and shiny hairpins. They're all useless. If she wanted to, she could have anything she wanted any second! These meaningless gifts were nothing but trash!

Warabihime glared at the many gift boxes that had been delivered to her. She didn't need any of this! Why did they think sending her this would bring themselves into her good books?

Tanjirou stared curiously at her side. Tanjirou was used to anything beautiful, after all, Warabihime was his mother. However there is one thing he'd yet to see. From soft ribbons to golden hairpins, the one accessory he'd never seen before was a flower themed jewelry. And one just happened to be sitting in the pile of other many hairpins.

Warabihime noticed Tanjirou's curious look.

"Is there one you like?" She asked.

Tanjirou nodded and pointed at a lily haipin. It was simple, but beautiful. The flower was white, it'd look pretty next to Tanjirou's burgundy hair. Warabihime took the hairpin and took a few strands of Tanjirou's red hair. Oh she was right, as always! The white flower complimented Tanjirou's appearence even more. Such a shame that Tanjirou's outfit didn't really go with the delicate flower.


"Oi! Go get clothes for Tanjirou immediately! And don't you dare pick anything ugly and hurry it up!" Warabihime yelled, knowing that somebody was outside her room.

"Okaa-san, what will happen if they can't do what you ask for?" Tanjirou asked, tilting his head to the side.

Warabihime smiled wickedly. "I'll make sure that they'll never make mistakes again."

The demon oiran's child |Kny fanfic|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora