3. Online agreement (Hashirama)

Start from the beginning

I had sat down on my couch, creating a picture-less profile, a cup of hot chocolate next to me and my ragdoll rescue curled up on my stomach. I had decided to only swipe on men, because women... Well, women. I had mindlessly swiped for a bit...

And there he had been.

He had been the most anonymous profile I had seen, providing only a picture of his hand. But that hand alone had captured my attention. More than my attention, actually; it had captured my entire soul.

The photo was in black and white, and the hand was quite slender with long nail beds and visible veins curving on the palmar side like flowerbeds. He had adorned his fingers with rings, and he wore a braided leather bracelet. His nails, I was happy to see, were painted. Probably not black, but some dark colour. Red?

I'm M. I'm 24. I need you to be soft with me.

I didn't notice I had sat up on my couch before Schrödinger, my female cat named after the mail scientist, jumped off in distain. I was frowning at the screen, a feeling of this is it that I did not understand encapsulating my soul.

Before I realised it was probably a very bad idea seeing my profile was empty and I had only written 30. Trauma surgeon. in my profile, I had written to him.

Me: Hi, M. I'm H.

Schrödinger screamed at me as soon as I got home.

"What do you want? You have infinite access to food."

She walked to me and lay flat on the floor, showing me she wanted me to pet her, which was a rare display of affection. Usually, she just went about her business when I got home as if nothing had changed, whatever it was she was doing, usually snoozing.

I smiled and rubbed her belly. Did she feel I was upset?

As I had only had one raisin scone, I had done some grocery shopping before I got home to be able to eat a proper breakfast, and made myself some banana pancakes with chocolate chips, fruits and maple syrup. I took it with me to the small living room for a late brunch, and took my phone out.

Me: Hi, M.

M: Hi, H.

Me: I'm so happy you're up.

M: It's noon, lovely. What happened?

Me: Up operating the entire night. Alone. Car accident, burst spleen.

M: Was it the accident that was on the news?

I jerked. Sometimes, it struck me that we lived on the same planet, M and I. And not only that, but also in the same city. What if we had stumbled upon one another in the grocery store? In Central Park? It made me feel incredibly lucky, lucky and excited.

Me: I haven't had any contact with the outside world for 24 h except for taking the  tube home. But yes, most likely. If there had been another accident of the same magnitude tonight, I would have heard about it.

M: Wow

I knew he was in awe in the same way I was, which said a lot about how obsessed we were with one another. 

Me: Wow, indeed

M: Now tell me what's wrong

I smiled. M always complimented me for understanding when something was wrong without him having to say much. What he didn't understand was that he had the exact same quality.

Heaven wait (Hashirama x Madara)Where stories live. Discover now