Sleepover At Camp Half-Blood

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I watched my brother rushing around looking for things and throwing them into a backpack. After ten minutes, he looked at me, eyebrows raised.

"Are you gonna ask me what I'm doing or should I kick you out?"

I rolled my eyes. "Normally I'd walk out by myself but I'm curious today. What are you doing, brother dear?"

"Getting ready for my sleepover at Camp Half-Blood," he said with a grin.

"Right, and what is Camp Half-Blood?"

"You know Annabeth Chase?"


"Right. I forgot you're clueless."

"Not in the intelligence sector," I muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, brother dear. Like you said, I'm clueless. So please enlighten me on exactly who Annabeth Chase is."

"She's Magnus's cousin."

"What about my cousin?" Magnus said, walking into Alex's room with a wrapped falafel in his hand.

"Magnus!" Alex looked exasperated. "What have I told you about coming into my room without knocking? And with food?"

"Sorry," he mumbled, not looking sorry at all. He took a bite out of his falafel and grinned. "So about my cousin?"

"I was just explaining to Sam who Annabeth Chase is."

"Oh. And why does Sammy need to know who Annabeth Chase is?"

"Because he's going on a sleepover at – OW!" I jumped around on one foot and glared at Alex, who pointedly ignored me.

"Going on a sleepover where?" Magnus was evidently curious.

"Nowhere that concerns you."

"Aleeeex," he whined, "we've talked about this. No being rude to me." He pouted, looking insanely adorable for a sixteen-year-old.

Alex glared at him. Magnus gave him puppy-dog eyes. Alex sighed, his gaze softening. "Fine. You're lucky you're a teddy bear."

"I am not!" But he looked happy about it. "So where are you going, Lexi?"

"You see how your son has a death wish?" Alex said, glaring at me as if I told Magnus to call him Lexi.

"He's not my son," I said.

Magnus gasped dramatically. "My own mother denying me? For shame! Shame!" And he broke into fake sobs. I had to laugh.

"Whatever, you two. Alex, I'll need you to pay for my femur replacement. Magnus, I'll need you to stop calling me Sammy."

"No can do," they said together.

"True love," I declared, and walked out.

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