Chapter 2 - ''From 'mine' to 'ours''' - Him

Start from the beginning

Beth hesitated a moment and then finally asked, although Ronan was sure she already knew the answer, "what did he try to sell you?"

Ronan turned to face her directly before answering "people. Children". He spat that last word out as if it tasted disgusting to say. He had never felt so sick as when thinking about what goes on with the market involving children. It was wrong in every sense of the word. Children are innocent and vulnerable. No innocent person should be condemned to a life like that, let alone a child.

Beth looked down into her untouched drink and Ronan was sure that he had scared her. That his life was not ever something she could live around and he was nervous that she may end up feeling like a prisoner regardless of what he just said he feels about that sort of thing. She brought the drink up to her lips and downed half of it before resuming her questioning. "What are your plans for me?"

At this, Ronan became hopeful he could make his plan sound like a life she could grow accustomed to. "You will live here, with me. You are free to explore and roam freely but you will have to stay on this property. Although when I travel I will take you with me, I do have a second residence, and I will bring you with me on any day trips or excursions that are non-business related so that you don't feel too cooped up. You will have your own room and anything you may need, but no electronic devices or anything you can use to contact the outside world. I will get you tv and music. Tomorrow I will take you shopping for basic needs such as clothes. Any questions?"

Ronan watched as Beth opened her mouth slightly, her cheeks turned pink, and she looked down and shook her head. He absolutely hated not knowing what she was thinking. "You have something to say. Say it."

Beth looked him directly in the eyes before asking "so I'm like a pet?"

He understood why she had blushed upon thinking this, because he felt his own cheeks grow hot. He went to take another sip of his drink and watched as Beth did the same, finishing hers. There was a moment where Ronan felt an incredible awkwardness. He has always been so cool and sharp witted knowing exactly what to say in every situation, but he was completely tongue tied for the first time. He looked at Beth and she was looking at the fire, eyes unfocused.

"Do you want another drink?"

Beth turned her head from the fire to face him. "I'm not a big drinker, do you have weed?"

This is not something Ronan was expecting to hear but he was more than happy to comply. "Of course."

He got up and opened a cabinet that was at the bar, pulling out a tray carrying everything he used to roll his joints and went to sit back down and roll a couple where Beth could watch him. Rolling was second nature to him but he was hyperaware of every move that he made knowing he had the eyes of this beautiful girl on him.

After he had rolled the second one he grabbed them and his lighter and stood up. "I'm gonna show you to the back."

He guided Beth through his home, watching her admire the house along the way. He really hoped she would learn to love it here. They got to his back door that opened onto a massive deck complete with a hot tub and coloured LED lights. Ronan went to lean on the railing where he had an ash tray and Beth followed, going to the other side of the tray.

Ronan lifted the joints and handed one to Beth, watching with butterflies in his stomach as her hand reached towards his outstretched one. When she grabbed it from him, their fingers brushed together and that tiny touch felt electric to him. He knew instantly that any more of this sensation would do dangerous things to his body and that it was a huge risk.

He lit his own joint and then put the lighter on the railing next to Beth. She picked it up and put the joint between her lips, using her now free hand to protect the flame. Ronan watched as the flame illuminated her face in a golden light that looked striking on her. He noticed that holding the joint between her lips brought out dimples in her cheeks and that her freckles seemed emphasized in the light.

They smoked in silence and finished right at the same time. "I'll show you to your room then?"

Beth looked up at him and nodded. He had a beautiful guest room that he knew would do perfectly and proceeded to show her back inside. They made a few new turns and eventually ended up in front of a door at the end of a wide hallway. Ronan opened the door for her, stepping in so he could turn and see her expression.

Her eyes went huge as she looked around the room. It was a massive space with a king size bed in the middle of the left wall that you could barely tell was a king with how much space there was left over in the room. The wall opposite to the door was filled with windows so that you could look out towards the forest from anywhere in the room. The wall to the right also glass, but looking into a room that was just a massive shower. All the furniture was black and the walls were a slightly dark purple-grey. The dark colours gave the huge space a cozy feel but the open feel created by the windows and shower made it impossible to ignore the grandness of the room.

Beth looked back to Ronan with her mouth slightly open. Ronan just laughed a tiny bit and said "I already have these here for you" and gestured to the bed where there were a t-shirt and sweatpants. "They were mine but they're yours now, we'll get you something of your own tomorrow. And don't try to leave the house, it will not work".

He turned to make his way out of her room. He felt so anxious about leaving her alone despite being sure she was safe, secure, and stuck in the house. He paused for a brief second with his hand on the doorknob as he was about to leave before turning his head and saying "goodnight", then with that, he left.

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