"Your son was butchered at the Red Wedding, Lord Manderly, but you refused the call" Lyanna Mormont declared. "You swore allegiance to House Stark, Lord Glover, but in their hour of greatest need, you refused the call. And you, Lord Cerwyn, your father was skinned alive by Ramsay Bolton. Still you refused the call. But House Mormont remembers. The North remembers. We know no king but the King in the North whose name is Stark. I don't care if he's a bastard. Ned Stark's blood runs through his veins. He's my king from this day until his last day." Lyanna declared.

"She's the smartest one here." Rieka decided. 

"She sounds like you." Theon whispered. 

"Maybe thats why i like her." Rieka agreed. "But she looks like a fighter, I'm not a fighter." 

"You fought, you kept fighting to get here, to this point." Theon corrected. 

"That was Jon." Rieka countered. 

"Dont sell yourself short, you have been through more than most could handle and thats my fault-"

"I'm dont blaming you Theon. This is a fresh start," Rieka reminded him. 

"I dont deserve your kindness." Theon countered. 

"Too bad you get it," RIeka countered nudging him. 

"Lady Mormont speaks harshly and truly. My son died for Robb Stark, the Young Wolf. I didn't think we'd find another king in my lifetime. I didn't commit my men to your cause because I didn't want more Manderlys dying for nothing. But I was wrong. Jon Snow avenged the Red Wedding." Manderly declared. "He is the White Wolf. The King in the North."

"I did not fight beside you on the field and I will regret that until my dying day. A man can only admit when he was wrong and ask forgiveness." Cerwyn remarked.

"There's nothing to forgive, my lord" jon corrected.

"I have never been to a meeting like this," Shireen remarked. "My father had lots of meetings but I was never allowed in." 

"Are you bored?" Olly questioned. "I'm bored but I'm used to sitting around while men scratch at their cocks and get nothing done." Rieka laughed out. 

"Oh I'm not bored, I just dont know the protocol." Shireen countered. 

"No protocol." Rieka corrected. "Just eat, drink, and let them..." She chuckled again. "Scratch their cock and get nothing done, as Olly said." He tipped his head to her. 

"Am I wrong?" Olly countered. 

"There will be more fights to come. House Glover will stand behind House Stark as we have for a thousand years. And I will stand behind Jon Snow.." he sheathed his blade before declaring " the King in the North!"

"Oh somethings happening, pay attention." RIeka murmured nodding to the men rising up. All blades sheathed as they rose up declaring.

"What's happening?" Rickon questioned. "Are they mad at jon?"

"The King in the North!"

"No." Rieka answered. "They are naming a king." 

"The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North! The King in the North!"

Jon looked to Rieka as she held up her wine glass.

"King of the north!" Rieka agreed. She wanted to kiss him but now that he was king they needed to be more discreet, didnt want another lannister kerfuffle. 

Trustfall / Jon Snow / Theon GreyjoyWhere stories live. Discover now