He hovered his hand over the small folded pieces of paper, before choosing one and unfolding it, before giggling with an amused expression, then showed me. It displayed one of my difficult questions, as well as something in slightly messy handwriting. 'Or take your shirt off'

I paused, then frowned. "I don't want to play this anymore. You can do that on your own." He chuckled and removed his shirt without hesitance. "Wh- you didn't even try!" I complained, he smirked at me. "I didn't want to. Now it's your turn."  

"Nu uh." I replied sternly. "Not if they're all as immature as that." 

He chuckled once again. "No, no, don't worry, some of them are mature." 

I furrowed my eyebrows, it was quite the opposite of what I wanted to hear. I sigh, rolling my eyes and picking one at random. It was an elementary school level equation, and the dare was; 'Or strip'

I raised my eyebrows, and answered the question quickly. "11." I say, turning it around to show him, he looked bored. "Hm, you got an easy one. Fair enough." He mumbled, then immediately picked one, and smiled. "82" He smiled, throwing the paper behind him. "You didn't even let me see." I replied. "How do I know if you got it right." 

"32+50." He stated. I sighed, rolling my eyes again and picking one with slight hesitance. 

It was one of my difficult equations, and the dare.. Ugh. 'Or shower with the other player.'

I glanced at him, then back at the paper, before putting the paper down and getting out my notebook, trying to figure it out. It was one of the last equations I did, so I didn't really bother to work it out before writing it ─ the reason being that I didn't know the game was going to be this type of game, and I also thought this was going to be a silly warm-up thing for only Akaza, and not me. 

He took the paper and read it, before smiling. "Did you even think before writing that equation thingy?"   "Regretfully, nope." I say sternly, I'm still writing down in my notebook. In truth, this is probably a university level type of question, which I have only realized just now, and barely understood a thing I wrote. "What even is that? Why is there sign language stuff in it?" He asked. 

"It's not sign language. Have you ever seen a calculator before?" I ask, glancing at him with genuine curiosity. He shrugged. "Not the freaky signs though... Seriously, what is that? Why is there a triangle in this?" He asked, rotating the paper as if that'd help. "I don't know, you're old, I thought you'd know." 

He looked offended. "I'm not old.. I'm only 17." His tone was low, which indicated he was probably deeply offended. I'm not too sure how old he actually is though, since demons are pretty much immortal - as far as I'm aware, and I don't want to be rude and ask him his actual age - despite my previous coldness towards him. "And it's not like I did math everyday over the centuries of my life."  He then paused. "You know, you won't be able to figure it out if you don't know what the triangle means." 

I hate to admit it, but he was right, I'm just writing down random numbers and symbols at this point. "Which means......." He smiled slowly, gesturing to the dare. I didn't really want to, but it's the same as seven minutes in heaven - you don't get to pick who you spent time with for seven minutes.. This is more like ten minutes in pure hell and humiliation. 

I sat there for a very long minute or so, before sighing and standing up. "Fine, but I'm not playing this game anymore after that."   He nodded. "That's fine." 

I cleared up the paper and disposed of them, then tidied up the coffee table a little bit more before guiding Akaza into my room, where I opened the door to my bathroom. "Quick shower, that's it." I said calmly. He paused for a minute. "Do you have a traditional bathroom? I prefer the traditional ones." He spoke calmly. 

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