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Now I know by the time you will have started reading this I have become a war hero and have taken the place of my overly stupid wannabe king of a brother. Poems will be written in my name and the world will come to know and love Nikolai Lantsov.

But I'm not here to gloat about my future glories, as fun as that might sound. I'm here to tell you about the present, the messy, the awful. The story of how I will become the fantastic king you read above. Be glad you are the one to read it, for someday these self-reflections will sell millions of copies. These are the stories of my past and present that will show you the reasons (however outlandish) of how I came to be.

The stories of Sturmond, an all-too-clever fox.


Nikolai Lantsov

Tales from an All-Too-Clever FoxWhere stories live. Discover now