Wei Ying pulls himself together and takes both items out, holding them one at a time, against his slim frame. "Which one?"

The sparkly one has rhinestones around the collar but it's short sleeved, and Wei Ying shivers, thinking about the coolness of the evenings these days, and he puts it back, stifling a smile when JingYi groans. The red one with the flowers has lacey sleeves, also not appropriate for the time of year.

"But Xian-Gege, you HAVE to look nice!" JingYi protests with a pout.

"Hold on, hold on," Wei Ying tells them, looking for anything with longer sleeves, and he comes across a lovely jacket.

This has definitely got bad boy vibes. It's a dark, dark red leather, cut in a form fitting style, leaving nothing to the imagination. The zip pockets are slashes at intervals with a high collar and tight sleeves, the length reaching to his knees. Wei Ying slips it on, testing it for fit, and laughs to himself as the children whoop and cheer again, clearly liking this choice.

Wei Ying glances at himself in the mirror, liking the way it narrows at his waist and flares out behind him, giving his backside much needed room. Whatever he pairs with this has got to be fitted for this ensemble to be comfortable.

Looking back into the closet, he sees two possible shirt options, and a giggle bursts out of his mouth at the thought of what Lan Zhan is going to think when he sees this.

One is a black fitted shirt that will cling to him like a second skin, with gold embroidery on one shoulder that drifts along the sleeve, and the second black shirt is plain, obviously fitted...but then he sees the back.

He knows it's the one.

Whistling to himself because this job is three quarters done, Wei Ying picks a slim fit pair of trousers that might hide nothing if he takes his jacket off, or even better, if 'someone' takes his jacket off for him...

"Wait until I put these on, hm?" Wei Ying says, turning around to face disappointed children. "I have to hurry because it's your dinnertime," the parent in him comes out, and he smiles at them. "Give me five minutes."

A-Yuan gives him two thumbs up and JingYi is vibrating with excitement, waiting for him to hurry up.

Inside the bathroom, Wei Ying quickly changes into his clothes, noting with some degree of satisfaction that the trousers are more than tight; he's had to slide into them slowly, easing them up his thighs and struggling to get the waist past his rump. How did people get into something like this on the daily? Luckily, the fabric has stretch and they're not uncomfortable at all, and when he's done? It's definitely worth it!

When he finally puts the jacket on, he's delighted with how he looks, but there's something missing, and his eyes fall on the familiar makeup bag that Lan Zhan has thoughtfully left for him on the counter.

What a sweet man!

Before he gets started on that, Wei Ying combs out his long hair, wincing at the few tangles he encounters. He plays with a few styles before deciding to wear it up because tonight, he wants nothing to impede Lan Zhan's view of his back, not even his signature ponytail. But the red ribbon stays.

For a few seconds, Wei Ying stares at his reflection in the mirror, imagining his mother standing next to him with her arms around his shoulders, smiling back at him. His mother used to wear a ribbon like this in her hair, and Wei Ying smiles at the thought, before securing his hair into a loose but secure bun. A few wisps escape, framing his face, and he loves it. The ribbon is wound at the base of it, tied with a neat bow.

Now, for the final touch.

Wei Ying quickly applies a light foundation and then streaks a line of glittering smoky eyeshadow, expertly blending it just so to match his eyes. There's a clear version and he puts just a dab of it onto his cheeks, spreading it so thinly that it shimmers only when the light hits it just so. Then, it's time for his eyes. This occasion calls for drama and Wei Ying lines the tops of his eyes and adds wings, just a touch to make him look dangerous. A little lip cream to enhance his natural colour, and then Wei Ying gives himself a final look in the mirror, before walking out to face his too-honest critics.

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