"Hey Zayn! What's up, man?" And... here's his chance to go to the library is gone. The one who calls him is Niall Horan. You probably wonder what Zayn thinks about this guy, and the answer is that Zayn isn't sure of that yet, either. So, basically, Niall is a blonde lad, blue eyes, constantly flushed cheeks and a huge smile. He's always so cheered up and that kind of person that you could recognise their uproarious laughter everywhere. He is also one of the very only people who notice Zayn in this school. Always asks him how he's doing, offers a grin and waves at him when they pass each other in the halls. But Zayn's pretty sure he's just that type of person who likes everyone and everyone likes him. He plays football, also, which means that most of the girls have just another reason to like him. The thing is, that he's friends with Liam Payne.

Oh, Liam Payne. Zayn sighs mentally. He doesn't even know how or where to start describing that guy. Well, you know that terrible kind of jocks who abuse their popularity? The ones who get all the chicks in high school? Those who usually play football or some other sport that honestly will not help them in the long run and they'll probably end up flipping burgers at McDonald's after high school? Yes, that's Liam. Oh, and if that's not enough, like Louis already said, Zayn's father and Liam's mother are dating for two years now.

"Nothing, really." He smiles back at Niall, just because it wouldn't be very nice of him if he didn't. I mean, Niall is great and all, but he stands there with Liam Payne and Harry Styles. Well.

"Wanted to invite you to the football match tonight, we're also celebrating after that," Niall grins and looks up at Zayn.

"I don't-" he starts, but he's being interrupted by a rough voice.

"He doesn't wanna come. Come on, Niall, last time you invited him to the match he just sat there at the corner reading a bloody book!" Yeah, that was Liam. And as much as he hates that jerk, he has a point. Zayn really does hate football matches, or any matches, but mostly football. He doesn't know what to do there, so he just sits on a bench and does the only thing he loves doing. He reads. It's so much more interesting then running after a damn ball.

"I'll gladly come, thanks Niall." He grins back at him. Because as much as he hates football matches, he hates Liam more.

"What?" Liam chokes on the water he just sipped. "You don't even like those!"

"Have a nice day, Niall!" He smiles, turning around and heading towards the next class, because apparently, he spent the whole break on Liam and his friends. But then he remembers. "Oh, wait a second!" He's turning around, facing them again. "You have a minute, Niall?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," He looks at Liam, who doesn't look all that content, and shrugs. Then he goes to talk to Zayn. "What is it that you wanna talk t' me 'bout?" He looks at Zayn.

"So, I've got this friend named Louis, and he's pretty much interested in your friend, Harry, so I just wanted to ask, if I still haven't embarrassed myself enough, if Harry's into boys? And yeah, well, if Louis has a chance, but like, if he doesn't I'll just tell him, yeah? it won't be a problem at all, you-"

"Wow, um. Yeah, Harry's been dating both girls and boys so I'm pretty sure he's into boys just as well. I don't know if he's into your friend, though, but he shall try, yeah? I mean, Harry's a nice lad, if he isn't interested in him, he'll reject him kindly, I'm sure of it. But you can tell your friend that he's definitely into boys," Niall chuckles and ruffles his own hair.

"Great! I mean, I thought it'd be really embarrassing to ask you such a question, I'll talk to Louis then. Thanks again, Niall!"

"You're very welcome. See ya at the match, then?" Niall raises an eyebrow.

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