In the darkness, only a silhouette is visible, faintly illuminated by street lamps, a mysterious person takes a couple of steps towards the kitchen window.

"Surprise Sydney!" – a hoarse voice was heard from the speaker of the phone and the silhouette abruptly emerged from the pitch darkness and pressed his whole body against the glass.

Sydney squeezed her eyes shut so that yellow, red, blue barely distinguishable figures swam before her eyes and for a moment it seemed to her that her heart was about to stop.

In the window opening, a barely discernible image of a tall boy was drawn.

Now there was recognition in Sydney's wide-open eyes, her friend Stuart Macher was standing in front of her with a Voice Changer in one hand and a phone in the other.

The girl's body froze, refused to move after a while, the obsession subsided. She exhaled with relief and shuffled to the window on wobbly legs.

It seemed to her that he was completely crazy, since he was joking like that.

Lifting the window frame, Sydney stepped aside to let the uninvited guest into the lighted room.

"Stu are you a buggin? I almost went crazy moron!" Sydney irritably slaps his hand, making a displeased expression on his face, to which he only giggles.

"Oops, my bad! You look so funny when you're scared. I couldn't deny myself the pleasure of looking at it ." His face breaks into a smile, and his eyes sparkle with fun.

"Please stop!" Sydney groaned at his annoying jokes.

"What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to have a Friday night party?"

"Don't sweat it. My parents bounce again. Tatum called me and said that you mad need the company of a handsome man like me. So I'm kind of going to have to replace her today." -Stu was smirking smugly, leaning against the kitchen cabinet.

"Oh, well, I couldn't have done it without you.... not!" -Sydney rolled her eyes and handed him an unopened bottle of Coca-Cola.

"Yo, what's up? - Let's kick it at your place and watch a movie."-Stu's familiar grin, wide and toothy lit up his face.

"Okay, okay, since you're here, what are we going to watch?

I think the answer Tales from the Crypt will not suit you."

"Sid are you kidding me? I know you hate stereotypical slashers, but what about part 4 of Hellraiser?"

"Yes, it's good only if I can't sleep because of the abomination I saw, you will be to blame for this!"

Sydney went into the living room to the already cooled popcorn and the TV buzzing in the background, while Stu, ahead of her, ran to the sofa and plopped down on it, almost dropping the plate.

"You don't have to worry about it, I'm here all night and I'll carefully guard your sleep, baby." -The guy proclaimed, folding his hands behind his head, grinning.

" Mister Macher, stop calling me baby, better save it for other girls." Sydney jokingly poked him in the side.

"Enough is enough, no need to worry so much" – Stu raised his hands in a sign of surrender and complete obedience.

After taking one last look at Stu, the girl put the tape into the VCR and sat down on the sofa again, taking a cup with a snack with her.

A screensaver appeared on the TV screen, Sydney was sitting on the couch, her legs bent under her and her head on the back. Stu, on the other hand, was sprawled on the other side, propping his head with one hand, while with the other he was throwing popcorn into the air trying to throw it into his mouth.

The film really kept in suspense and was moderately bloody and it could be called not bad.

By the middle of the horror movie, Sydney's nerves could no longer stand it, and she unconsciously clung to Stu, flinching when his hot breath singed her ear and a mocking whisper was heard from her side:

"Was fearless Sydney Prescott scared?" - The guy grinned broadly, playfully raising an eyebrow and slightly hugged the girl.

"Macher, you're so insufferable!" – The girl tried to push him away from her, but the guy refused to give up and only pressed her closer to his chest, to which Sydney only sighed and reconciled herself to this state of affairs.

She knew that no matter how jerk Stu was, she never managed to take offense at him for a long time, because how can you take offense at someone who is always trying to cheer you up and instead of sulking, a smile is already blooming on your face, and your stomach hurts from laughing.

Stu himself looked like a big dog, and I wanted to pat him on the head and enjoy his warmth. For Sydney, he was a comfort and always filled her loneliness with himself and she felt easy and absolutely comfortable with him. Stu – felt like a fast and bright love that can kill you, but you will die smiling.

Startled by another loud sound, Sydney felt a warm hand comfortingly stroking her shoulder, looking up, she noticed that Stu was watching her with interest, his gaze wandering over her face and only now Sydney is paying attention to what beautiful eyes, aquamarine and turquoise mixed in them creating an icy surface. The mischievous gleam in his eyes was maddening.

Sometimes the clash of views reminds her of carnival fireworks. Or he looks like him. A solid embodiment of rage, madness and some kind of childish sweetness in one person. The imperturbable tenderness of the gaze makes the lower abdomen tremble.

For the first time they looked into each other's eyes. Not really stealthily, and it knocks all the air out of her lungs so hard that Sydney gasps.

For a second, she had the wild and reckless idea that he was close enough to kiss him. He seemed to catch the change in her mood, reading the thought suddenly reflected on her face, shifting his gaze from her eyes to her lips. It only lasted a couple of moments, barely long enough to notice. But it was enough to ignite the desire in her chest and make her listen to her impulsive thoughts.

Either now or never ran like an electric current in Sydney's thoughts, and she reached out to meet Stu and she was suddenly enveloped in the soft scent of his cologne, so citrus that one involuntarily imagines a glass of orange juice in the morning and smelling of juicy greens like a lawn that has just been mowed.

In practice, it turned out that Stu's lips were soft, too. His warmth bursts into Sydney, turning everything over. His hands found her waist as he kissed her back, pulling her into his lap. His body was so hard and warm next to hers, and Sydney clung to him, needing his saving warmth as if she was frozen in the January frost.Her hands found his chest, his neck, his hair, outlining parts of his body, memorizing the lines of his back, the protruding shoulder blades and the curve of his lips. Sydney's hands rested on his back, tracing the hollow of his spine. His arms tightened around her as if to protect her, pulling her impossibly closer to each other as he leaned back to lie on the blanket, pulling her onto the sofa cushions, not looking up from the kiss, so that Sydney was on top of him. And with each passing second, his kisses became more heated and needy.

Stu pulls back a little just to say: "I've always been partial to you, Sid !" He gave her one of his shitty grins.

Stu always thought how damn beautiful she was from those delicious coffee-colored eyes to her dark hair, and just her indomitable temper makes his heart shrink, and to be honest, not only his heart. Sydney's face is still bright pink and her breathing is ragged, so the only thing she could answer was:

"In your dreams, Stu!"

While she was laughing, he leaned closer, closing the distance between us, the kiss was soft and neat.

"Oh, come on, baby!"

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