
I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for everything. I can't tell you how long I stood in front of that door with my fist raised ready to knock but I couldn't. I realized they don't want you, baby girl. The police, they don't want you there's nothing tying you to the hijackings but the moment that I knocked on that door and you answered you would be wanted. I know it doesn't make sense because I've just told you to run. But Brian is still out there and He knows everything and right now I'm not 100% certain he won't snitch. And if you leave and leave alone it's guarantying that you won't get caught. Even after we're both out don't come looking for me. I may care for your safety but that's to insure mine. I don't want you not anymore.


When the man you've loved your whole life the man you've been dating for 3 years tells you he doesn't love you anymore I believe that it would crush anyone. After that I did leave L.A. not because he told me to but because I knew I couldn't handle the memories. So I took Doms advice an ended up in Rio, but it didn't last. I had caught word that Dom was headed to town. So I did what anyone would do I packed my bags and fled. I only managed to get as far as Peru finally settled down when I had received that one phone call from Mia. She wouldn't tell me how she got my number only asking that I come to Rio to help the boys with a job. My anger had gotten the best of me and I hung up without even hearing her out. I had figured they would assume I would flee so I did the exact opposite. I stayed. Surprisingly I managed to get a job teaching English to younger kids and played nice long enough to get myself a roommate.

"Excuse me." looking up startled I saw a man standing rigid in front of me. Hurriedly wiping tears that managed to escape my glistening eyes and rolled down my cheeks I bewilderedly respond to the man.

"How did you get here without me noticing?"

"Doesn't matter ma'am, what matters is you can either come with me willingly or forcefully."

"Where exactly would it be your taking me?" I question the man while I stand and brush dirt from my backside.

"Classified." The man gruffly barked.

"Well then, it appears I won't be going with you." I state calling this man's bluff. I turn on my heel to walk away but before I can take another step a woman is standing in front of me and everything goes dark.


Slowly the world comes to again. It started off by hearing the small talk going on beside me. Then my eyes fluttered open to be hit by sharp bright lights and immediately fluttered back closed with a groan. Finally the events of what happened come back to me. Shooting up in my seat I look over to be greeted with the sight of the man from the beach and a woman I had never met before.I opened my mouth to ask where I was but the man was already answering.

"We're on an airplane, and your mouth is probably dry am I correct." I hadn't realized until he said something but my mouth was in fact dry. Looking at the man I nod my head and the women stands up.

"I'll get you a glass of water." She says smiling politely as though she hadn't just knocked me out. Not saying anything I send a forced smile back to her that I'm sure looked more like a grimace than an actual smile, but nevertheless she left to get me a drink.

"Before you even ask only those who have sworn into the CIA are allowed to know the location of where we are going. Your car has been taken into custody and is also making its way to our destination along with your things. We also left a note for your roommate and enough money to cover your rent for over a year or until she is able to find a new one." The man had rambled off the answers to questions that I hadn't even been able to form in my mind yet.

"Why do you need me?" I finally ask after a couple seconds to process what he said.

"Me, I don't need you. But my boss believes that you could help us receive the help of a man who could use all of our help." He answered simply. Confused at what he just said I scrunched my eyebrows but nodded my head anyways.

"Ma'am." The lady said handing me a glass of water.

"Thank you." I respond lifting the glass to my nose I sniff it causing both parties to roll their eyes at me I just shrug and take a sip. Taking another sip I set the glass into the cup holder of my seat and look out the window and unconsciously clutch the silver cross, that had hung on my neck every day since I had received it, only ever taking it off when I was sleeping or while showering.

"Important to you." the man questioned knocking me out of lala land.

"Huh?" I asked confused at what he meant. Slowly he tapped on his chest where the cross was laying on mine.

"The necklace, you're clutching it, most likely because you're nervous and it offers you comfort."

"Someone's been watching way too much criminal minds." I tease with a smirk. The woman giggles slightly and the man only frowns. But before he can say something I answer the question.

"Someone who I used to love very much and made me feel protected even when I was staring death in the eye gave this to me."

"Used?" the man questioned.

"I just realized, I don't know your names but I'm sure you both know mine." I say obviously trying to change the subject.

"Agent Carson Morgan, nice to officially meet you." The woman answers first. Reaching across the small isle way I shake her outstretched hand.

"Agent Derek holiday, pleasure." The man says still frowning.

"You know frowning too much can cause early onset wrinkles" I say without really meaning too. Beside me Carson let's out a snort and tries to stifle a laugh. Derek only sighs loudly deepening his frown.

He left fast she stayed furiousWhere stories live. Discover now