The Stars Align - 1

Start from the beginning

Such changes in velocity happened to a large number of stars of wildy different distances from the Cardinal World. A star twelve light years away, another thirty five or so light years and even one with a grand distance of one hundred seventeen light years from the Cardinal World.

What was the purpose of these almost unpredictable changes in speed? It's simple, really.

Looking at all the stars at their current positions would only sow confusion; there was no pattern to be observed. But, by calculating the trajectory of each star influenced, the intention would become obvious.

At multiple very, very narrow points in time the affected stars would form shapes vaguely resembling a magic circuit. In other words, the entire setup was to form one giant magic circle. But a magic circle wasn't usually just one large circuit, it was a complex combination of circuits. Similarly, the closest stars to the Cardinal World formed the core of the magic circle, while stars further out formed multiple other circuits to perform the desired effect.

What that desired effect was, it was impossible to predict for now. Stars as far as thousands of light years away were being included into the giant interstellar magic circle. As Michael put it best, "Oh no."


Hinata Sakaguchi was having a rather annoying time with a rather annoying...insect.

"That look on your face! I know you're looking down on me! Just hear me out once, damn it!" It spoke in a high pitched vaguely feminine voice.

Hinata however regarded it with cold, merciless eyes. "I gave you enough purpose to explain your reasons for being here, and you failed." With that she gripped the rapier tighter. Still, the fact that she hadn't went to blows yet meant she was still listening.

A fact the creature caught up on, as it spoke in an almost pleading voice, "You heard that announcement from the Voice of The World, right? It's the prelude to something really, really bad and your master Luminous Valentine will need all the help she can get!"

Hinata narrowed her eyes. Rather than the end of that plea, what caught her attention most was that the insect knew of her serving under Luminous. "How do you know of my relationship with Luminous-sama?"

The creature, hidden though it's face was beneath a stupid looking mask, still made a surprisingly human like action of shouting in frustration. "That's not what you should be focusing on...! Augh, I don't have enough time. Just take this, you'll need it!" So saying, it threw...something in the air. Hinata watched it fall to the ground without even trying to catch it.

"Damn you!" It yelled a final curse before disappearing with a teleportation spell. Only once she confirmed it to be gone did Hinata move to pick up the object it had thrown. "Hmm..." It was a ring, and a pretty one at that, made entirely of what seemed to be a golden colored metal with three gem at the top; a crimson gem in the middle, flanked by what appeared to be a sapphire and an emerald.

It didn't seem like something that might explode in her hands, but she still chose to be careful by tucking it into pocket space. Luminous-sama, she spoke through [Thought Communication].

"What is it?" Came the reply.

"Something came searching for you. It knew of my relationship with you. It also dropped a ring."

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Come to my residence."

"As you wish, Luminous-sama.


"It is time."

It stopped in it's tracks of creating another domain world to play with.

"It is time?" It repeated.

"Yes. The circuit shall be prepared in 2 days."

"In two days." It repeated. Another waste of time.

"Lord Asura needs your help."

That snapped it out of it's boredom. "Why?" It questioned.

"Our foe is strong. Lord Asura will allow you to materialize in the True World."

It idly considered its options before agreeing. "When?"

There was silence for a few seconds. Then-

"Now. The gate opened."

It twisted and turned but could spot no gate. "Where?"

"There." Came the reply. It looked, to see a tiny hole barely the size of it's fingertips.

"So small?" It said, disappointed. A snorting sound could be heard.

"Only a shard of you."

It was tempted to not go since it was only going to be a small fraction of it that would materialize, but then it got curious...

Why Asura need help?

It cloned itself, then cut it into a thousand pieces, and once again cut that into another thousand pieces, before randomly selecting one piece and throwing it into the portal.

"Hm." The voice snorted, being too prideful to say thanks yet still acknowledging the effort from it. It didn't care, of course. It went back to playing. Back to creating another domain world filled with wonderful creatures and places.

After all, creating was more fun than destroying.

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