*art not mine, credit goes to the artist*

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          Part Two, The Accident

(Btw, they're both 17 and 18 rn)

    The pair stood frozen on the hill, speechless at the scene in front of them. Upon further inspection, they could see the villagers gathered in a huddle just beyond the burning village. However it appeared they where gathered in front of someone. Had one of the elders taken control of the situation?
Y/n, despite to see if everyone was safe, burst into a sprint towards the group, leaving Sukuna to follow.
As they got closer, they could see the faces of the villagers but they didn't recognize the person in front of the group, perhaps someone from the neighbouring village had seen the smoke? But they where to far away, it would be long after nightfall that that village would see the smoke? So who was this person?
Sukuna began to slow, his gait becoming more weary upon seeing the stranger. Y/n was to preoccupied trying to make sure everyone was there to fully register the strange man looking thing.
"People of the village!" Called out the stranger, " I wish I could say I come in peace, but I don't. I've been sent to lay waste to your homes and find the person we're looking for!" The creatures voice carried out loud and strong, and the statement caused the villagers to begin trying to find a way to escape the situation.
"But fear not, I have no reason to hurt any of you, so long as you cooperate, now, is there a person here who goes by the name -" The creature was cut off by someone who had circled around and tackled him. But the thing didn't move an inch, in fact, he just looked...displeased. He grabbed the person on his back, a young man, the book man's son. A gasp went out across the crowd as the creature simply threw the young man back into the group, a few people rushed to make sure he was ok, y/n included, with Sukuna behind her, not wanting her to draw the creature's attention.
"Now then, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, is there a person here who goes by the name    y/n, I've been instructed to bring her with me, using any means necessary."
No, thought Sukuna, his heart begging to pound, I have to protect her, I can't let him take her, she's all I have.
At the determined silence that met the creatures word, he frowned, sighed and began waking closer to the villagers. He grabbed a small child, who couldn't be older then 8, and held her up to face him, her mother began screaming at him to put her down and take her instead.
" Calm down lady, you tell me where she is and I'll give you your child back, it's an easy trade!" He said, a sickening smile creeping across his face.
"Run, Sukuna whispered to y/n, run away and run fast, I'll protect you." But y/n was frozen, she knew that Sukuna wasn't strong enough to fend off this thing and that even if she did manage to get away, she would be sacrificing her fellow villagers in doing so.
Stealing her voice and squaring her shoulders, she held her head high and called out to the thing,
"My name is y/n, what do you want from me?"
The creature smiled and reached out its hand, fingers long and green, like the hills, she thought, was that only an hour ago? That feels too long.
"Come to me, little one, we must leave now, if you refuse...well, I think you know what I'll do to your friends." With every word, his smile creeped further across his face.
"No! You can't leave! You can't go with him! Please!"
It was her first time hearing Sukuna sound so despite. He grabbed onto her arm, gripping tight. Y/n looked up at him, peering deeply into his eyes and prepared herself for what she knew she had to do.
"Let go Sukuna, we both know I have to go. I can't let him hurt you, you know that. I'm sorry, please forgive me." As she was saying this, tears had begun to leak out of her eyes, fogging up her vision.
"I love you, please know that, take care of yourself and everyone here for me, ok?" It was the first time she'd told him that, and it might be the last as well.
"I love you too, I will, be safe,promise me that." He managed to choke out, tears peaking out of his own eyes, as he slowly let go of her arm.
"I promise I'll do my best, and that I'll try to find my way back to you, goodbye..."
"Alright then! Let's get going little one, it took a while to find you so we've got to make up for lost time."
Y/n began waking over to him, and when her small, delicate hand touched his gnarled, calloused one, they both disappeared, it was like they'd never been.
Sukunas knees hit the soft ground, and he let out an anguished cry, the villagers crowded around him, grieving with him, hoping that the sweet crazed, book loving girl they'd all loved would be ok. They hoped with all that they had.
They all camped out in the forest that night, with plans to start rebuilding their homes in the morning. But as everyone was asleep, one pink haired boy was still awake. He left that night, unable to see the faces of those around him, a reminder that because of them, y/n was taken, and there's been nothing he could do about it, he was too weak, and seeing the others was just too much for him. So he left, with a promise to himself that he's get strong, so strong that nothing would ever be stronger then him, so he could find you and protect you properly this time.
With one finale look back, he left the safety of all he's ever known, venturing out into the unknown, hoping that y/n was ok.

Wow! That one was a long one, my fingers are tired now. How are y'all doing? Have you eaten enough? Drank enough? You should take a nap if you need one, maybe text or call a loved one, take care of yourself my friends and I'll be you next chapter!

Lost Love, Found Again - A Sukuna x Reader Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now