☆Ciel's New Friend☆

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(this goes with my Baby Katsuki and his adventures series on AO3{it's just the same thing i have on Wattpad but just only little Katsuki fics} but it's Ciel's story of how his day went before he went to the park and so on )

It was a sort of a vacation you could say, they were visiting japan to just have new scenery , staying in his late son's biological parent's guest house here. Right now Ciel is laying on his soft grey blanket on his tummy wearing blue cream colored sweater and a nappy underneath it , simply just minding his own business coloring in the lines of a care bears coloring book. Using his favorite type of Crayola crayons , the kind with glitter in them, they his drawings and color pages so pretty. Half full sippy and half eaten frosted animal crackers on a little tray next to him , the boy stops his coloring and looks over to his père. Said man is getting the baby's outing bag together so they can go on a walk around the city a bit , his caregiver said there might be a park near by too. And so Ciel decides to abandon his coloring and crawls over to his papa and gives a light pull to the ma's pant leg , getting the demon's attention of course. Sebastian looks down at his son waiting patiently for his little love to ask him something, which of course he does after a few seconds.

" Papa? cans we bring Bitter wit us?"

" of course bunny , they are your comfort stuffie after all, so yes they will be coming with us little love"

" thank yous"

" your welcome now let's get some trousers on that bottom of yours before we go little bun"

Sebastian bends down and up his precious little love , holding the boy close to his chest popping a teal paci in the baby's mouth already knowing if he didn't his boy would be chewing on his little fingers instead. Now heading back to Ciel's room he's definitely proud that his son's room is clean , sometimes it's hard to get said boy to even clean his room. Setting the younger one on fluffy beanbag chair(it's just a regular beanbag chair just Ciel put a blanket over it) that's next to his dark blue toy chest , opening the bottom drawer. Easily grabbing a soft on the skin pair of royal blue pants that stop at the boy's mid thigh and of course a new nappy , since he felt Ciel needed a changed when he picked him up a moment ago. Turing back to the boy now finding the little bun on the plush black rug with bitter his very well loved butter rabbit stuffie , being back in his own lil world. Giggling at his papa playing peek boo with the plush making Seb chuckle at the cutie, instead of picking him up the caregiver just kneels down with the pants , nappy and the nappy supplies that he had grabbed before kneeling down. Leaning planting a kiss to his son's forehead before moving the sweater to the little's chest , tickling his side before beginning to change the giggly boy of his.

" there we are , all clean and dressed! Can you tell père how old you are bunbun?"

" hm bunbun two ands thww"

" between two and three? alright my dear that's okay. can you be a big boy and put your shoes on for me?"

" yes yes"

And just like that the boy gets up and scurries off out of the room and to the cuddies they in the hallway of the front door, Seb of course turned of the lights in the bedroom following Ciel out. Grabbing the baby bag on the couch double checking what was in it because sometimes Ciel thinks his père doesn't know that he hides candies in there. The little one walks over to him with black flats that have white bunnies embroidered on the back of the heel of the shoes , the man gets a second set of socks out from the bag , letting the baby put them on then the flats. His whole outfit just looks absolutely adorable , definitely the opposite of Seb's choice of clothing right now, chloral grey skinny jeans with rips on the knees , and a thin black turtle neck long sleeve and black faux suede dress chucky heeled boots. Yes he's already tall enough with the demon being 6'1 however shoes don't have a gender and being in heels are just a stander need for some people, tall or not.(he secretly just likes looming over the people who piss him in his heels)

" ready to go love?"

" mhms i readys , yous ready?"

" cheeky little thing. yes I'm ready "

Ciel grabs the other's hand just as his père grabs the house keys putting them in side zip up pocket of the baby bag. Once both of them are out of the building bitter being held tightly to his chest by the little one's right hand , now on their walk passing by stores and such. Sebastian definitely planning to stop by a toy store to get his little love a plush for good behaver, lucky he was right about there being a play park near by next to what seams to be duck pond to. The demon is sure they will be at that duck pond tomorrow feeding said ducks bread. They stop at the park , Ciel already running to go play just as his papa sits down on a bench keeping his eyes on the boy, plush rabbit in his lap so it doesn't get dirty while the little one is playing. And baby bag next to him with his one of straps around his leg so it doesn't get stolen.

Out of the corner of his red eyes the demon can see a small group of young men approaching the bench with a little of their own, The clearly non little blonde walks over to the sandbox and sets his own toddle down in the sand , Seb watches as the smaller blonde gets to work on making whatever his heart desired. The purple haired man of the group sits down a few inches away from him having a lion plush in his lap , the other comes back and sits next to the other young man. Focusing his attention back to his son , Sebastian sees his bun next to the little that was just put down in said sandbox, a fond smile spreads on his lips already knowing the two will be friends. The little blonde was making what seems to be a sand Castle of sorts , Ciel watching him slightly and after a few minutes , with his sharp hearing Seb can hear his baby ask the other baby a question the.

" um cwn u teech me hww to do dat? "

Seeing that Ciel's soon to be friend understood that perfectly , because there's a wide smile on the other boy's face as he nods his head to the Ciel and tells him how to make them and even helps him a bit too. After the boys are done making their master pieces they get up holding hands and walk well waddle more like , to their caregivers. Sebastian smiles at his boy because wherever Ciel goes, when he's little he always makes at least one or two friends who are littles to. The two gentlemen next to him smile at their own little as well , the purple haired male starts to speak.

" hey Suki bubs who's your new friend? "

" papa , Appa , this Ciel he's cool "

" Kat-Kat is cwwl two!"

All three of the caregivers chuckle slightly at the babies being cute. The boys let go of each other and get closer to their caregivers. Ciel gets up into his père's lap gladly accepting a sippy cup of apple juice that was pulled out of the baby bag and handed to him. While Kat now knowing the other baby's name , on the other hand wanted his sippy cup of ice water witch he asked nicely for and the second blonde gladly gave it to him. Sebastian takes this opportunity to turn to the two caregivers as he pulls bunbun in his lap.

" I'm sorry for not introducing myself before , but I'm Sebastian & you've already met my son Ciel "

" Oh don't worry about it , I'm Monoma and beside me is my other boyfriend Hitoshi"

" yeah hi , and you only heard half of our baby's name , His na-"

" I'm Katsuki!"

Hitoshi shakes his head and tickles Kat's side slightly , Monoma rolls his eyes and gives a sorry look to Sebastian and puts Kat's now empty sippy cup back in the bag. The older(waaayyyyy older ) caregiving just laughs it off because toddlers or babies will want to do things or say thing themselves. Ciel does that more times then he can count even when he's not little but he'll always be just a baby to seb anyway.

" Ciel does that all the time , no worries "

After a while , all three of the caregivers talked for a while then started to get up with what they brought and picked up their babies , said their goodbyes and of course gave each their numbers. Why? Well because they knew the boys would want to play together some other time when it wasn't close to both the boys's nap time. Or well in hitoshi's words they would be " crayon pals "(pen pals but cute) since Ciel and Sebastian are just visiting japan of course.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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