After what seemed like forever, all the golden plates on the house tables vanished into thin air. Dumbledore got to his feet. 

"Well the Goblet is almost ready to make a decision," He said with a smile. "When the champions names are called, I would ask them to walk along the top of the hall, past the staff and into this chamber." He motioned to the small room off the Great Hall. "Where they'll receive their first instructions," 

Dumbledore took out his wand, and at once all the candles blew out, leaving the Hall in semi-darkness. The Goblet of Fire shone blue light from the centre of the hall. 

"This is so exciting!" Alma whispered to Maddie, who couldn't agree less. 

A piece of flaming paper popped out of the Goblet, and Dumbledore caught it swiftly. 

"The champion for Durmstrang," Dumbledore said. "Will be Viktor Krum!" 

Cheers erupted all over; Krum was extremely popular. Maddie clapped loudly, glad the Hogwarts champion hadn't been chosen yet. Cedric clapped too; it seems his nerves didn't stop him from cheering for one of his favourite Quidditch players. 

Another piece of paper flew from the Goblet. 

"The champion for Beauxbatons," Dumbledore read. "Is Fleur Delacour!" 

The Ravenclaw table where the Beauxbatons students were seated burst into applause. Fleur Delacour, whom had already charmed all the boys the second she arrived, stood from the table with a large smile. Her silvery blonde hair swung behind her as she walked in between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables, and into the chamber. 

"Aw the poor babies, they're upset," Alma mocked two Beauxbatons girls who were crying on to each other's shoulders for not being chosen. Maddie gave a slight laugh that sounded absolutely nothing like her. 

The applause subsided and the Hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Maddie felt Cedric tense beside her. Alma stopped talking and was staring intently at the Gobblet of Fire. Catalina had stopped fidgeting with her hands and wasn't blinking. Maddie had forgotten how to breathe. Even Leo Moore seemed at loss for words. 

After what seemed like an eternity, the Goblet turned red and shot out sparks. Flames burst high into the air, and as they receded, Dumbledore pulled out a piece of parchment. The final champion. 

"The Hogwarts Champion," Dumbledore read, too slow for Maddie's liking. "Is Cedric Diggory," 

Maddie's mouth went dry; her heart skipped a beat. The Hufflepuff table exploded into cheers and excited shouts before she could register what was happening. 

"Cedric, get up!" Leo yelled happily. "It's you!"  

Maddie clapped alongside the other Hufflepuffs, however she was not smiling. 

Cedric finally seemed to realize he was the Hogwarts champion, and he got up with the biggest grin on his face. Leo gave him a huge pat on the back, and Cedric got up and followed in the past champions footsteps into the chamber. 

Dumbledore had said something, but Maddie didn't hear. She was still in shock. 

However, she did see when the Goblet of Fire released a fourth piece of parchment to everyone's surprise. She did see Dumbledore pick up the piece of parchment with confusion written on his face. She could hear the silence in the room. And she finally heard when Dumbledore's voice said, "Harry Potter," 


Leo was fuming on their way back to the Hufflepuff common room. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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