The Unquiet Dead - III

Start from the beginning

"That's not fair." Rose protested.

"It's true, though. Things might be very different where you're from, but here and now, I know my own mind, and the angels need me. Doctor, Protector, what do I have to do?"

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to." The Time Lady walked towards the young woman and knelt down beside her. "We can't and we won't make you do anything."

"They've been singing to me since I was a child, sent by my mam on a holy mission. So tell me." "We need to find the rift." The Doctor cut in. "This house is on a weak spot, so there must be a spot that's weaker than any other." He looked at the owner of the house. "Mister Sneed, what's the weakest part of this house? The place where most of the ghosts have been seen?"

"That would be the morgue."

The Protector rolled her eyes. Of course, he would say that.

"No chance you were going to say gazebo, is there?" Rose joked.

The Time Lady shook her head.


"Urgh. Talk about Bleak House." The Doctor complained as he walked through the door. The Protector and Rose were behind him followed by Sneed, Charles and Gwyneth.

"The thing is, the Gelth don't succeed," Rose said, looking at the Time Lords. "'Cos I know they don't. I know for a fact there weren't corpses walking around in 1869."

"Time's in flux, changing every second." The Doctor explained. "Your cosy little world can be rewritten like that." He clicked his fingers. "Nothing is safe. Remember that. Nothing."

"It's like the butterfly effects." The Protector added, crossing her arms over her chest. "Even the smallest of things can have a big impact." She frowned slightly. "Except this is a big thing but the point still stands, no matter what happens here it could affect the future."

"Doctor, Protector," Charles spoke up, looking between them. "I think the room is getting colder."

"Here they come," Rose said as whispers filled the air, a moment later one of the Gelth flew out of a gas lamp and floated under a large stone archway in the morgue.

"You've come to help. Praise the Doctor and Protector. Praise them!" "Promise you won't hurt her!" Rose ordered. "Hurry!" The Gelth told them. "Please, so little time. Pity the Gelth."

"I'll take you somewhere else after the transfer." The Doctor told the Gelth. "Somewhere you can build proper bodies. This isn't a permanent solution, all right?"

"My angels." Gwyneth smiled. "I can help them live."

"Okay," the Protector nodded at Gwyneth and then looked at the Gelth. "Where's the weak point?"

"Here, beneath the arch."

"Beneath the arch," Gwyneth repeated as she stepped towards it. Rose followed her and stood in front of her. "You don't have to do this."

Gwyneth smiled and placed a hand on Rose's cheek. "My angels."

"Establish the bridge." The Gelth said and Rose jumped back, standing next to the Protector. "Reach out to the void. Let us through!"

"Yes, I can see you. I can see you. Come!" Gwyneth ordered.

"Bridgehead establishing." The Gelth said.

"Come to me. Come to this world, poor lost souls!"

"It is begun. The bridge is made." Gwyneth opened her mouth and blue gas flew out of her mouth and around the room. "She has given herself to the Gelth. The bridge is open. We descend."

Fighting Against Fire [One] (The Protector Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now