Letter 1. Sirius

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If your getting this letter, your daughter, Lyra Black has committed suicide. 

Weapon: Large kitchen knife

Time: 5:30am

Body was found in the Slytherin common room by Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. 

1. Dear Sirius, 

If you're reading this, I guess I'm dead now. This letter is explaining the part you played in my suicide. 

You are, well was supposed to be my Dad, but you were never there. Ever since you were free from prison, I was 16, and you knew I was at Hogwarts but I only knew you were there from Harry, whom you visited. I was hurt, but I thought you just didn't know what house I was in, so I followed Harry, to see you. When I saw you, I ran at you, for a hug, but you pushed me away to hug 'the chosen one'. "Dad?" I had asked and you turned to me, suddenly smiling. 'Ly!' you said 'My little Gryffindor!' you has said, with such happiness. I told you I was in Slytherin and you turned away, suddenly cold. 'Why can't you be more like Harry?' You had asked. This hurt me more than you could know. 

When my boyfriend, Cedric Diggory died in the Triwizard Tournament, I was only 17 and I was broken. We had only been together for a few weeks, but he fixed wounds that went years back. He got past my defences and made me happy, something no-one else did for a long time. I saw Harry leave the maze with Cedric's body, I froze. I didn't cry like Harry did, I didn't scream like Harry did, I froze and ran. I ran towards you, and you opened your arms, but Harry jumped in them instead. Harry cried into your shoulder and you patted him on the back. 'Dad?' I asked, my voice cracking and tears running down my face. 'Leave' you had told me 'Harry needs me'. I turned and walked off, my tears escaping my eyes, you didn't notice. For months, I didn't leave my room, I was too broken to cry. Molly was the only one who was bothered to check up on me. When I finally went downstairs, still broken over Cedric's death, you looked at me and said 'Where were you?! Harry was depressed and you were having the time of your life?'. That hurt. It was always Harry. Harry even looked at me and shook his head in disappointment. I looked at you and said, still crying 'You don't understand what Cedric was too me' and Harry gasped. You looked at me and spat 'How dare you, now Harry's sad'. I turned and walked away, I learnt that you would never know that I loved Cedric. 

When I was little, you gave me a silver locket necklace, that I had never taken off since. One Christmas, I took it off and walked down the stairs, to see if you would notice. You didn't, instead you looked at me and said 'Harry and I are going out' and left. I was left alone on Christmas, at my own house. I looked under the tree, and there were about 20 presents! I looked at the names, and all except three were for Harry. One was from Harry to you, one was from me to you and one was from Molly Weasley to me. I got nothing from my own Father. I sighed and spend Christmas alone, drawing. When you guys came home, laughing, you seemed surprised to see me. 'What are you doing here?' you asked me, and I smiled a fake smile up at you 'Drawing' I replied 'Wanna see?'. You shook your head 'no' and grinned at Harry, talking about your, and I quote 'amazingly, fun, awesome day'. You and Harry ate cookies, and didn't offer me any. 

You were never there when I needed you. I am, well was in so much pain, I was going to therapy and you didn't even know. I was trying to speak to you, to reach out, but you always responded with 'Harry needs me, tell me later', 'Stop acting like you've got it so tough, Harry's got it worse' or 'Gotta go, Harry wants help'. It hurt how you always brushed me off. I tried to tell you, it reach out, but you ignored my attempts. I tried to speak to you, to form a connection, but you always left. You acted like I meant nothing to you, and then got mad when I didn't speak to you. 

You never took the time to get to know me. You don't even know my music type, or my birthday.  It hurt that you forgot my birthday, but threw a party for Harry. I'm not a jealous person usually, but you were acting like Harry was your kid, not me. I was starting to wonder if you hated me, of I was never good enough for you. You were always comparing me to Harry, pointing out the ways he is better than me. You were surprised by my sarcastic comments, when anyone that spoke to me, even for a few seconds would know that's just me. I would bring up a friend of mine and you would look at me, as if confused at the fact I had friends. 

Every time we went to school, you would hug Harry and say how much you would miss him, but when I left, you would just say 'Stay away from Malfoy'. Draco was the only one who made me feel welcome, and you tried to take him away from me. He was like a brother to me, and we bonded over our shitty fathers, yeah, that's right. 

You never treated me or my friends with respect. When Draco came over, we called him 'Malfoy' and a 'pure-blood snob'. He never came back, and he meant a lot to me. Sometimes you even call me, or called me 'Black', like I was nothing to you. 

I hope you know that you played a main part in my suicide and right before I killed myself, I legally changed my name to Lyra Weasley-Diggory. After my boyfriend you never knew about and the only people who treated me like family. 

I hope you feel guilty, but also have a good life. You mean a lot to me, even if you hurt me. I'm not mad anymore. 

Kind regards, 

Lyra Weasley-Diggory. 


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! I hope it made sense (I'll proof read it later) and feel free to comment any mistakes so I can change them 😊. Thanks for reading. 

Oh, and do you guys think I should do the next chapter on Sirius' reaction to reading the letter, or the next letter? 

Just remember, you're BEAUTIFUL.

Love, Finn Wilson (Deadpool's Daughter) 

PS: What's your favourite animal? Mine's wolves. 

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