"Why is Xavier staying at Nevermore?"

"Apparently he has some personal issues with his father, Vincent Thorpe. But I am not gonna pry into someone else's problem, so I never ask." Pugsley'a eyes lid up at the mention of the name.

"Wait, your classmate is the son of Vincent? That's so cool." Pugsley was somehow jealous of his sister.

"How did you know that?"

"Xavier's phone number is already recorded in mine. He would send messages to me whenever he could. Enid is even worse, I only sent her one message and she replied to me with over dozens. Mostly filled with the thing she called emoji to the point it gets inordinately annoying."

"Well, maybe if you give them my numbers, they'll leave you alone for some time." Wednesday thought for a while.

"Do it."

Jericho, Weathervane.

Xavier's phone begins to ring. He picked it up, seeing an unrecognized numbers so he just let it rang for until it stopped.

"Who is it?" His on and off again girlfriend, Bianca ask him. Xavier just shrugged.

"Probably a scammer. Don't want to ruin the date." After Tyler has disappeared from town, Xavier finally accepted Weathervane as the perfect hanging spot.

The phone rang for a few times much to the annoyance of the two.

"I'll deal with." Bianca accepted the call on his behalf.

"I wish your siren power could travel through the phone."

"Listen, I'm not interested. So stop calling me."

"Wait. You're not him? Sorry bout that. Wednesday!!!" (Y/N) hung up. Bianca's eyes go wide as Xavier looks at her, confused by her expression.

"Who's that?" Xavier ask the girl in front.

"Sounds like, (Y/N). I heard him shouted Wednesday." Xavier takes back his phone, trying to call the number. But before he could finish typing, it rang again. This time is from the contact saved as Wednesday.


"If you don't pick up his call again, I will personally go to Nevermore right now and shave your head." Xavier looked at Bianca, his facial expression tells her that it's not something pleasant.

"Uh...." Before Xavier could replied, he heard some shuffling from the other side. (Y/N) took the phone away from Wednesday causing her to gives him a cold glare.

"Hey. It's me." (Y/N) speaks up.

"Hey (Y/N). Sorry I didn't pick up yours. I thought it was a scam." A smile appeared on Xavier's face.

"Yeah. But what do you mean you're not interested? And why did you sound so, feminine?" (Y/N) asks with a confused tone.

"It was Bianca actually. She was in front of me right now. We're on a date actually." Xavier replied.


"Yeah. My turn. What happened man? I heard you got evicted." (Y/N) scratched the back of his neck.

"Long story. But I need to know, is my piano really safe inside your studio? No scratch, no paint, no string got snapped?" (Y/N) bombarded the his artistic friend with tons of question.

"Yo yo. Chill. Relax all right. It's safe, all the stuff, the books, everything."

"Oh thank god. And thank you Xavier. I'm so glad you're there." Xavier chuckled.

"Yeah. Are you at Wednesday's place? Or somewhere close by? Otherwise you wouldn't be using her phone right now." (Y/N) turned to look at the gothic girl who's still staring at him.

"She's here." She's walking closer towards the boy.

"And she looked pretty pale." A massive scuffle could be heard by Xavier from the phone. He got worried for a moment.

"(Y/N)? What's going on?"

"I'll, I'll talk to you later bye." (Y/N) hangs up the call.

"What's going on?" A wide grin appeared in Xavier's face.

"I wish I know too."

For the next two nights, (Y/N) slept on the cold floor of Wednesday's room. Up to this point and he's still apologizing for the matter. He knows she's not gonna take it lightly, yet he does it anyway.

"Love, if you keep this up, you're gonna get me heart broken. Just accept that I love teasing you. It's part of my affection towards you." Wednesday sitting on her bed crossing her arms. Her eyes looked forward rather than the boy who's standing besides her bed.

"Will you forgive me?" Closing her eyes, she let out a big breath before turning to him. (Y/N)'a sincere eyes look into hers.

"I have already forgiven you since yesterday's morning. I just haven't forget about it yet. Remember, you owe me for this one. When the time is right, you will return the favor. Or I will hang you upside down from the Manhattan Bridge, turning you into a tourist attraction." A smile appeared on (Y/N)'s face.

"Does that mean I get to sleep on the bed tonight?"

"No. Third times the charm. In this case third times the harm. You'll still sleep on the floor tonight." (Y/N) pouted.

"It's not going to work. Turn the lights off."

"Can I at least get my kiss?" Wednesday stopped for a moment.

"I will allow that privilege simply because of your sincerity." (Y/N) leaned in for some quick kiss on her lips before going over the switch and flipped it. The room goes dark and Wednesday immediately assumed her corpse like sleeping pattern.

"Try and crawl up to the bed and see what I have in store for you." (Y/N) let out a big sigh.

"You're no fun."


Part 8 has arrived people. 🎨🃏

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