The Genesis

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My name is Dan Frett. As long as I remember, I have loved adventure. I remember way back in Basic Three, how I ran into a controversy. It was a Wednesday afternoon and we were on break period. So Henry, Sheddie, Stanley and I were playing a game.

The game involved tooth-folding the plastic stick gotten from used sweet. This tooth-folded plastic stick is then put against a rubber band in a wide-spread middle and index fingers. Then the plastic stick is stretched backwards like the hunter's catapult. That done, the player seeks for another player, he releases the bullet on the target when one is found.

We were on this nameless game until I was shot at suddenly on the back of my head. I was maddened. I sought blindly to revenge. The game hadn't been this way. It was fun until then.

Realizing I couldn't get back at the unknown miscreant pal, I headed for our class. I decided I was going to cool off there.

Soon, I became bored and I left for Nursery Three class , adjacent my class. Another bullet whizzed past my right ear as I made to enter the door. It was a miss. I knew it came from my circle of players as I heard people chuckle at me from behind.

The bell was rung. I had scarcely sat down when it was rung . As I made for our class, I ran into a small crowd of pupils struggling themselves through the narrow door into their class. One pupil cried while another pushed.

There was an uprising in my class. Clara was crying. She must have lost something. I met Mr Joe, our class teacher at the door as I was about to enter.

As Mr Joe entered and made to sit, somebody from the rear of the class beat his desk thrice and we all greeted him. He acknowledged the greeting and asked everyone to sit except Clara. We did.

'I lost my colour book' Clara said when Mr Joe enquired the cause of her tears.

'O... Ok... So... Is there anything special about the book?' Mr Joe asked again.

'Sir, I'm convinced Esther Williams stole the book and the visa inside I showed this morning ' Clara said in between sobs.

The class was shocked because Esther was her only friend in the class. Mr Is Daa Clear ordered Esther to come to the front of the class. Is Daa Clear was the nickname we gave Mr Joe. He asked Esther some questions. Then in a flash, the story changed towards me. Scott, a boy of my age and height said he saw me in the class during break period. Few members of the class affirmed the information and I was called out.

Esther, Clara and I were taken to the headmaster's office.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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