5. First day to disaster...

Start from the beginning

"It's shame it is really expensive. What are you learning for?"

“Sports Business Management.” Says Arthur.

"So you are interested in the sport."

"I am, I do an internship at Monalisa Motorsport Gallery, I do the guided tours and I enjoy telling things about the car. I just learn new things so that's fun." Says Arthur.

"I've been there last year, I really loved the gallery." Says Rene and Arthur smiles.

"It is." Says Arthur

"And what do you want to do later when you finished your studies?"

"I don't know yet." Says Arthur.

"Well you can do a lot with how much you know." Says Rene and Arthur smiles.

"Rene!" Arthur looks up at someone's shout and soon he sees someone walking towards him and he smiles broadly.

"Paul needs you." He says and then Arthur recognized him.

"Hey you, Arthur, right." Ollie asks and the smile on Arthur's face gets bigger.

"Ollie, what are you doing here?" Asks Arthur.

"This is my car." Says Ollie and slams a hand on the front nose wing of the number 8 car.

"No way?"

"You know each other?" Asks Lorenzo.

"Not know really, we saw each other last night and talked a bit." Says Arthur.

"What are you doing here?" Asks Ollie.

"I've been following F2 since this season, my brother arranged for me to come and look at the cars in the paddock." Says Arthur.

"So you have been watching but you didn't recognize me?" Laughs Ollie.

"Well your name is Oliver Bearman, so I didn't link it with Ollie and I didn't know your surname. But I saw Dennis a few minutes ago and didn't recognize him too so I'm really bad." Says Arthur and cuckles.

"You are!" Says Ollie and Arthur laughs with him.

"I know all the names and which teams you are on, but I'm terrible with faces." Says Arthur.

"I forgive you." Says Ollie and Arthur smiles.

"Can I show Arthur around?" Asks Ollie to Rene who nods.

"Why not." Says Rene and Arthur looks at Lorenzo.

"Go have fun, I will be with Charles. Can you find your way back?"

"I can." Says Arthur and Lorenzo nods.

"Let's go." Says Ollie and he grabs Arthur's arm and pulls him inside.

"So this is the car." They stop at the halo and Arthur looks inside.

“It's so tight.” Says Arthur and Ollie nods.

"It is, but I don't really notice when I race. I'm used to it now." Says Ollie.

He removes the steering wheel and then explains the buttons on it to Arthur.

Arthur does recognize some of them, because of his internship where he sometimes explains the steering wheel. They have a few to give people an idea of ​​what the drivers do while driving.

Once they've gone through the car, Ollie takes it to the back. There are the tires are sorted with the drivers name and number on.

"If we go up here, we have our drivers room on the left side, I share that with Fred. On the right side we have the room where we have our debrief and all that."

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now