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Fighting Naruto now was broadly one of he most stupidest things to do. Expansion was made punches were thorn. Going back to Konoha was not an option for Sasuke. Why couldn't Naruto get that. Konoha killed his family. What's the point of living. Now he just wants to disappear.

He killed his brother. He has nothing back there for him. The council will just want him back for his blood. He'll be forced to have sex with other people. He doesn't want that for him for him he wants to find his  soul mates. So that they can make it better. But no, Naruto won't let him he can never understand his pain.

*Sasuke just wants to disappear*


Naruto was going to finish the fight so that he could finally bring Sasuke back like he promised Sakura he would.

Naruto knows Sakura still loves Sasuke. So he hopes that when this is all over, they can be together. Sasuke may not like her now, but with time, he knows he well. So that they can all be together like old times.


Sakura hopes with all her might that Naruto brings Sasuke back so that he can finally settle down with her and have kids like she'll always want. She knows it will take some time, but no, that his monster of a brother is dead, he can stay.

Once they all get back, nothing will stop her from getting what she wants now.


They fight was just getting to the end, but then all of a sudden, bright light emerged. Blocking everything from view.

No one was able to see anything until it stopped. After it stopped, Naruto looked in front of  Sasuke stood only for no one there.

Turning around, there were no signs, Sasuke was anywhere.

"Naruto, Sasuke." Sakura yelled as she came over after spotting Naruto she looked around. "Naruto, where's Sasuke." She asks.

Naruto looked down at his hands, not hearing what she said. Until Ske put her hand on his shoulder.

"Where's Sasuke, Naruto." She said again, this time more focused.

"I-I don't know. H-He was h-here, but n-now he's not." Naruto studded out in a lost. Before finally saying. "There are no signs of him anywhere. Like he never existed."


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63 years in the past, a single boy woke up in the middle of the wood in a clearing. Before closing their eyes again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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