[one: steve harrington]

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"don't bring it up, henderson," steve said as he laughed, looking at the hat as robin joined in with the laughter. he shook his head, taking the hat off as he threw it off to the side before hearing somebody say something in reply. he looked over, seeing you holding the hat in confusion as dustin laughed.

"hey, ________," he greeted as you walked over to him, giving dustin a smile as you held the hat still while steve stared anxiously at you. robin took note of this, writing another mark on the board without questioning it. 

"hey, henderson. how was camp?" you asked as steve looked at you still, observing your behavior as you continued to hold the hat in your hands. "did you meet anybody? or make anything new?"

"i have a girlfriend now," he said as you got excited. "her name is suzie, she's from utah. she's mormon, so i can't call her. but, i did make cerebro. it's a high functioning machine that allows me to call her from wherever and whenever."

"i have to come see it and meet her sometime," you said as robin came out from behind the back to serve some customers as you looked over at steve. 

"harrington, i believe this is yours," you said, handing him the hat as he nodded, clearing his throat as he awkwardly took it and put it away under the counter. you watched him, taking note of his behavior. he cleared his throat again, looking over at you before replying.

"thanks. um, do you want to get anything?" he asked, leaning against the register awkwardly as you smiled at him briefly.

"i actually needed to go meet up with nancy later, so i can't. but thanks for the offer. i'll see you around, harrington. dustin, come find me with the other kids and we can go meet suzie, okay?" 

dustin nodded, telling you bye as steve stared at you walking away into the mall where you disappeared into the jc penny's across the way. he felt okay to release the breath he was holding in as dustin turned around, facing his older friend once more.

"so," he started as steve shook his head, running his hand through his hair. 

"don't even start, henderson," he snapped back quickly as dustin laughed. 

"you have a crush on her then, stevie boy?" robin chimed in as she headed to the back to get some more sample spoons since erica used all of them up recently. dustin laughed, agreeing with her on the matter as steve rolled his eyes.

"hey, hey, listen to me, henderson," he started as dustin nodded, trying to hold back a laugh. "don't tell her shit, okay? i'll tell her when i want."

"yeah, so will that be when she's dating somebody else then or? because it doesn't seem like you can even form a sentence around her, much less a question," dustin cameback. robin laughed, agreeing with him as she came back out with the sample spoons and started to refill the tiny containers for them. 

"robin, butt out, okay?" he said. she shook her head. 

"no, i will not, unless you would like for me to form the sentence for you and tell her how you're feeling? i mean, come on. she's just a human being, just speak, it's not that hard," she said as dustin nodded.

"it's hard when you've liked somebody for two years," he said as dustin laughed. 

"oh my god! you haven't talked to her for two years?" he asked as robin looked over at him. 

"i have, henderson, okay? i definitely have, i just can't figure out how to not be awkward around her," he muttered before robin whistled lightly. both of the boys looked over at her in confusion before she pointed back over towards the fountain of the mall. both turned their attention towards where you were standing and talking with billy hargrove.

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