1|the beginning of me

Start from the beginning

I didn't say this a second ago but my siblings are triplets. Even though they all are the same age, my older brothers sometimes act like they're way older than my older sister. I haven't said this yet, but I am 14. My siblings are 16 and in their sixth year at Hogwarts.

I got up from the chair I was sitting in at my desk. Grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I grab my hairbrush and put it in my luggage. I close my luggage and carried it and my owl fiddle wings with me downstairs.

On my way downstairs. I saw my mother arguing with my older brothers. That was a typical morning in my house. My brothers can be dumbasses a lot of the time. They get in trouble a lot because they don't know how to keep their mouth shut.

I remembered I forgot to grab somethings off my bed so I set my luggage down by the stairs then went back to my room. When I got to my room I went over to my bed and grabbed the sweatshirt of my platinum blonde haired gray eyed boy then grabbed my little stuffed cat. I don't think I would of been able to make it through the nights here at home if I didn't have this little cat I called meow meow.

I went back out of my room grab my luggage and owl then went down the stairs. I set my luggage and fiddle wings by the front door then went into the kitchen where my stepfather was sitting in his usual seat. I could care less about my stepfather but to be nice I said good morning so I won't get hurt. He just looked at me for a second. I already knew what he was thinking and was going to say. When he started talking.

Stepfather: I bet you're ready to get back to your Draco Melfoy!

This time when he said it was in the most smuggest voice I have ever heard. I know him and the melfoys don't like each other but he can be nicer when talking about Draco. Our families hate each other for a reason I don't know yet. A reason that doesn't involve me and Draco because we weren't born yet so we shouldn't have to deal with our families hatred for each other.

I glared at him. I was so fed up with him always being mad that I'm friends with Draco Malfoy. I said father why don't you shut the hell up about Draco Malfoy for once! In as smug of a voice as I could possibly muster. I knew when I said that it was the wrong thing because he got up from his seat and walked over to me.

Stepfather: You don't talk to me like that! Me and your mother raised you better than that! You can't tell me who I can talk about! If I want to say something about Draco Melfoy I can! I guess I need to teach you how to respect your elders little girl!

Narrator: With those words he took off his belt and grabbed her by the arm to turn her so he could beat her on her ass with his belt. She didn't scream nor make a noise. She just let him beat her because she knew if she made a sound her mother would be down there. She didn't want her mother to be frustrated with her sepfather. Not now not before she left for school. He stopped beating her then told her to sit down.

  Stepfather: Now you know for next time not to talk to me like that right.

With tears starting to form in my eyes I said yes sir in a shaking voice. I sat down then my mother came downstairs and started cooking breakfast. A few seconds later my siblings came walking downstairs and sat at the table with me and my stepfather. When my mom finished breakfast she sat down at the table with us. We had our breakfast then we all got our luggage in the car.

My stepfather went to work while my mother took us to the train station. When we had to get in the car I asked my sister if I could sit next to the window this time she said yes and got in the middle seat. I got in the car and close the door. My mother started the car and drove away from our house.

  I was looking out the window when my sister tapped me on the shoulder. I said yeah what is it. She whispered in my ear I know what happened before we came downstairs. I'm always here for you if you need to talk about it. I whispered back in her ear i'll be fine once I am on the train. With those words she knew that it wasn't being on the train and knowing that I wouldn't have to see him again until thanksgiving but my platinum blonde haired gray eyed boy. She grabbed my hand and held it letting me know she would always be there for me. I sat there holding her hand and looking out the window again until we got there.

  We got to the train station and grabbed our luggage and owls out of the car and went over to the wall and walk through it to platform 9 3/4. We said our goodbyes to our mother then got on the train.

  I went to sit down on the train in my usual compartment waiting for my Platinum blonde haired gray eyed boy.

  I sat there thinking about my first year at Hogwarts and how excited I was to not spend my nights wearied and crying because I was afraid that my stepfather was going to get upset with me for something stupid or dumb I did or said then hit me and beat me with his belt.

  I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice say you happy to be back with me my little angel. I turned my head towards the door to see my platinum blonde haired gray eyed boy staring at me. For a second I got lost in his gray eyes. I can get lost in his gray eyes a lot. My best friend pansy always makes fun of me and says if I like him so much I should just tell him but I can't. Will not yet but maybe one day.

I said happier than you'll ever know my lonely eyes. He put his luggage and owl on the big shelf above me then sat down next to me. I found my self staring at his eyes again. When he asked me how my summer was at that moment I knew he already knew how it was before he asked because it was the same as always torture.

Word count 1923

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