Melodia, Gloria Goodbye, and Estella Tamoda enter the bar. Estella immediately approaches Harmonia and Shuni.

Shuni: So... Who are you gonna have to kick out?

Estella: You think I'll be lipsyncing?

Harmonia: Are you?

Estella: Yes...

Harmonia: Then answer her question haha.

Estella: Ugh... A little more support would have been appreciated! Anyways it'll be me and Melodia, though Gloria has gotten a final warning...

Harmonia: Hmmm so she is on thin ice.. interesting.

Shuni: But that will be an easy battle for you Estell, you'll wipe the floor with her.

Estella: Oh I know. And I WILL. But what if they will take track record into consideration?

Harmonia: Then you're done for haha.

Shuni: Why would they? Inda went home in Season 3, so you can send this bitch home too. Just give it your all and get out of your head!

Estella: Yes, you are right. I'm going to beat the bitch.

Meanwhile, Melodia and Gloria get to Kym and Frank.

Kym: Mel... You look down, what's going on?

Melodia: I'm going to be lipsyncing tonight...

Kym: You what?? But I thought you did good!

Melodia: Not good enough I guess?

Gloria: Honey, you were good, it's just tough competition. Why did you even want that big of a role?

Melodia: I felt inspired by Kym and I's talk last week, I thought Genie and Aladdin would be the perfect roles for a double win.

Kym: So you did it because of me?

Melodia: I mean maybe?

Kym: So you're lipsyncing because of me?

Melodia: Kym, no. I made my own choices and these are the consequences. It's not your fault.

Kym: It is though... I should have helped you out more like you helped me last week...

Melodia: You already helped me out a lot. Don't blame yourself for my shortcomings!

Estella, Shuni and Harmonia notice the commotion and come over to check it out.

Estella: Hey losers! Giving Melodia her final goodbyes?

Melodia: I'm not going to need any, unlike you!

Estella: Oh yes you are. I'm going to wipe the floor with you, so say goodbye to your little clown friend.

Shuni: She'll see you again when she goes next week though hahaha!

Melodia: She's not going to go anywhere, right Kym? And neither am I!

Kym: Yes... We eh.. are.

Estella: She doesn't sound too sure about it haha.

Shuni: She's probably still feeling guilty about last week, if Melodia would have won that challenge she would have been a front-runner and maybe they would have saved her this week.

Kym: You think they would have?

Shuni: Oh for sure! You really just sent her home basically.

Melodia: Kym, don't listen to them. They're trying to get into your head.

Shuni: We're already there Melodia, and once you're gone after tonight, we're taking over!

Estella: That part! Hahahah!

Estella grabs Kym's hand and drags her away, while Estella and Shuni role their eyes.

Melodia: Kym, listen to me okay?

Kym nods

Melodia: No matter what happens tonight, I need you to beat these girls, okay? You're a formidable competitor, and I do not want to see their shady tactics get you sent home. Stay close to Frank, Gloria, and even Icona, you can trust them more than those three. Got that?

Kym: I do, but you cannot leave okay?

Melodia: I'm going to give it my all to not have to. But I cannot promise you anything. You have to promise me to not give up though. Do you promise me that?

Kym: But I....

Melodia: Promise me that Kym.

Kym: I promise you that I will fight for you until the end.

Melodia: No. Fight for you until the end.

Kym: I'll fight for us until the end.

Melodia: I'll take that haha.

Kym: Now prepare for your lipsync, because I don't want you to leave yet.

Melodia: I'll give it my all Kymmie.

Melodia continues to practice for her lipsync until everyone gets asked to return to the main stage. They watch how Scarlet declares Gloria Goodbye safe. While Melodia and Estella Tamoda take to the stage to lipsync to Zara Larsson's Ain't My Fault.

Estella Tamoda, Shantay You Stay! You may return to the others at the back of the stage.

Estella flicks her ponytail, blows a kiss to the judges and cockily walks back to stand next to Shuni.


"Melodia, Every beautiful thought's been already sung. But your melody will play on and on, with the best of 'em. It just won't be playing here any longer, as I have to ask you to Sashay Away.

Melodia: Thank you so much for inviting me to this wonderful competition Scarlet! I have had an absolute blast! I wish I could just put it on repeat forever.

She bows gracefully and walks to the back of the stage, Kym runs up to her and hugs her tightly with tears in her eyes.

Kym: This cannot be happening right now Mel...

Melodia: It is Kymmie, but you'll be alright! Keep your chin up okay?

Kym: I will do this for us!

Melodia: Do it for you darling. Us can come later.

Melodia winks at Kym and kisses her cheek.

Melodia: Text me when you've shown these girls what you're made of.

Gloria, Frank and Icona join the hug. Gloria and Icona very carefully trying not to touch each other though. The hug ends and Melodia faces the judges one last time. She once again winks at Kym and delivers her final goodbye.

Melodia: "I've been set free, and I want you to know, baby. Give 'em Hell Kym!"

7 Coaches remain....

Drag Race Just Dance Season 5 UntuckedWhere stories live. Discover now