" Then you said... you said you see something different in my eyes" he said and put his hand on my arm. "I ask you if you love me or not"

"Don't tell me I said I love you" i interrupt him. "You didn't, but you mean that you love me"

"I don't love you" i said. I can see his broken eyes. According to him, there is still hope. But there isn't. I can't be with him, after dating with his brother.

"Maybe you don't, but you have some feelings for me, accept it or not. I know you do" he literally reading me, but how? "I told you that i can't"

"I just want you to listen your heart" he said. I can't hear what my heart say. He got closer to me. He put his hand on my hand. I want to move but my body betrayed me. Charles put his other hand on my cheek. He looked at my lips. I slowly close my eyes and just let him. Our noses touch.

Then we heard a door knock. I hope it's not Arthur. I turned to door. Charles hand still on my cheek. I can feel his eyes on me. I was about to stand up but Charles grabbed me by my wrist. I turned to him. "Don't open"

Then i heard door knock again and "Lily, are you there? Can we talk?" Arthur's voice. How can i explain this, now. His brother is sitting on my bed. "Get into restroom, Charles" i whispered, he rolled his eyes and stood up. We walked together and he get into restroom. "We will continue, mon amour" he said while looking at me with a smirk. I close the door on his face.

Then i open my hotel room's door. Arthur is standing at my door, with a bouquet of flowers. He smiled at me. I smiled slightly. "This is for you" he said while handed me the bouquet. I took it. "Can we talk" he asked.

"Sure" i said and let him get in. I close the door. We are standing on the restroom's door. Charles can hear us. "Charles told me you forgot the flowers i bought you yesterday"

"Yes, i totally forgot them in Dennis's car, sorry" i said while fakely smiling. He frowned upon. "Please don't say his name" he said. I nodded. "You were right, i got jealous of you. I know i ruined everything between us. And... and i won't beg you for second chance, i don't deserve it"

I put my hand on his shoulder "Don't say that, Arthur. I'm the one who ruined it"

"No, i did. But this is not the topic I want to talk about" he said and i looked confused. "What do you want to talk about?" i asked.

"I know you didn't leave because you forgot the stupid flowers. Tell me what happend between you and Charles"

I took my hand back and looked down. What am i supposed to say? He put his hand on my chest and made me look at him. His eyes are asking too many thing, i see it. "Nothing" i cut it off. "I'm not stupid" he said. Why he knows me that much. "I'm being serious, nothing. What do you think could have happened between me and Charles?" i said.

He took his hand back. "A lot of things" he said. What does he suspect from? There is nothing between me and Charles. "After last night" he said. Does he knows i stayed in Charles' hotel room? "What do you mean?"

"You stayed at Charles' room, i know it. But i guess something happend between you two and that's why you acting awkward"

"What!?" i shouted. He gasped and he passed his hand through her hair. "So that's true" he yelled at me. "No, it's not. Me and Charles, never ever ever ever" i said. "But it's seems like" he said. The anger on his face...

"I didn't sleep with your brother, Arthur" i shouted him. "I don't remember anything but i know this didn't happen" i said. Suddenly he hugged me. "I'm sorry"

"No problem, Arthur" i said and he step back. "Sorry for blaming you" he said. "That's okay, Arthur" i said and smile slightly. "I guess i should go" he said and walked toward to door. I turned around to him. He waved and left fastly. That was so strange.

Then restroom door slowly opened. "He left" Charles said with a smirk. I wrinkled my face. "I see that he bought you flowers before me" he said while pointing the flowers with his eyes. I rolled my eyes. "Shall we contunie" he asked while smirking at me. "You're too ambitious, Charles" i said and walked toward my bed. I put the bouquet to my bed. Then i felt Charles's hands on my waist. His body is behind me.

"I want to kiss you, mon amour" he whispered in my ear. My body froze, i can't resist him. What's wrong with me? He started to kiss my neck slowly and softly. I can't stop him. "Charles" i said his name but it was more of a moan. He stopped.

"Do you love me?" he asked. I really don't know, Charles. You're confusing me. He turned me to him, he get me closer. I'm looking into his eyes. "You don't have to answer, now" he said. Then he get closer to me and kiss my cheek. "I can wait for you" he whispered.

His feelings are not a secret anymore. I can't ignore it them anymore. He has a effect on me. A effect that Arthur never had.

"I'm leaving, I will see you next race" he said and smile. I smiled back. Then he kissed my cheek again. He turned around and walked toward the door. He turned back to me and waved. Then he left.

What are you doing to me, Charles Leclerc?

A complicated chapter. See you in next chapter.

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