Chapter 3: Grinnox's Message

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A black uterus-shaped vessel floats through open space, its blue lights glowing like stars. On board is a single Illixi. His pale blue skin sparkles with white freckles and his short, wavy white hair falls in his face as his pitch-black eyes pore over the screens before him. His pointed ears twitch hearing the quiet beeping sounds of his ship's controls. His name is Grinnox, and he is here to send a message to the people of Xindyria.

Once he descends into the atmosphere, a wicked grin spreads across his face. He thirsts deeply for human blood which actually tastes quite sweet despite their horrifically sinful nature. Just thinking about the crimson nectar makes his mouth water. He shakes his head. No. He must focus on the job at hand. His mind wanders to his people's princess. Echthra's factories are marvelous to see in action, but they do remove the personal achievement aspect of murdering a human with only one's hands. Maybe he'll treat himself, just this once. Her words to him ring in his mind.

All I ask of you on this mission, Grinnox, is to collect information on the planet and deliver a message for me. Anything you can gather, no matter how seemingly insignificant, will be of great value to me. If you succeed, I shall give you a venerable opportunity in the Red Machine. Would you enjoy such a prize? I hope so.

He closes his eyes and sighs dreamily as he imagines phantom hands caressing his face. Echthra is such a lovely individual and a great leader at that. Of course, she would never consider him romantically, but he still enjoys envisioning what a relationship with someone so passionate could be. Grinnox quickly realizes he's lost focus again, so he channels his energy into scanning the planet's surface. Luckily for him, Illixi ships are incredibly efficient at absorbing and translating data recovered from celestial bodies. Some things, however, he can only learn by living among the humans here.


Early that morning, Adam shoots awake to the sound of a ship speeding by. He clutches his chest, his heart pounding inside his ribcage. Slowly, he peeks out the window and sees a black shadow against the pale sunrise. No... No! It can't be! He remains in hiding until the ship vanishes, then rushes to meet with Violet and Juno. How did the Illixi come here so soon? Their government sponsors had said they wouldn't arrive for another five years! Although trying to stay calm, he can't help a panic attack from setting in. His breathing grows shallow.

Meanwhile, in her room, Juno's senses are on high alert. A ship flying overheard assaults her ears, interrupting her dream. She feels the whole building shake. Shoving her covers off her, she quickly gets dressed and makes her way to Adam's room. Halfway there, the two of them run into each other. Juno immediately notices Adam's pallid skin.

"Dr. Graves?"

"J...Juno..." He takes a shallow shaky breath, gripping her shoulders with white knuckles.

"Are you all right?"

"C-Can't... breathe..."

"Oh!" Juno helps him to sit on the floor, then takes her hands and massages his chest, a dim light traveling along her fingertips.

"Th-Thank you," Adam whispers. He looks down at his hands. A purple light, much like that in a plasma globe, spreads from his chest through his whole body. He takes a deep breath after a couple of minutes.

"How do you feel now?"

"Much better."

Soon, Violet joins the two.

"You heard it too, yes?" Juno asks.

"I did. We need to do something." Violet notices Adam on the floor. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine now. Just... had a bit of a panic attack."

"Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry!" She hugs him gently, much to his surprise.

The Red MachineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora