"You really have a big mouth." Hiss Nathan and he has his face close to Arthur's.

"Let's see if you have that next week too." He says and then leaves.

"Arthur, were you here yesterday?" Arthur looks up again and then sees two girls standing next to him. He doesn't recognize them. They are not from his class.

"How do you know my name?" Asks Arthur.

"Everyone does, now answer." The blonde says and Arthur frowns.

"No I wasn't. And even if I was, it's none of your business," Says Arthur.

"I told you he wasn't. He isn't family of Charles. He doesn't even look as handsome as they do." The brunette pulls the blonde girl away and leaves Arthur alone.

"Okay, people we are complete. Everyone has their passes?" Asks Ardon and then they walk to the gates. Everyone scans their pass and Arthur looks around again.

Everything is the same as yesterday. The only thing that's different is that there are a lot of people.

"Let's stick together. I don't want you to get lost. Arthur come over here!" Shouts Mr Ardon and Arthur walks towards him.

Soon a person wearing Ferrari clothes arrives.

He starts to explain what they are going to do. We get the tour, then we can look at the pit stops of all the teams and around one o'clock we are taken to the tent because then Formula 1 starts in half an hour.

They start walking and Arthur hears the whispers next to him and behind. It was something he had yesterday. Everything looks so much cooler in real life then on the television.

Along the way, the man tells something about Ferrari or about F1 itself.

About how Ferrari got into the sport and how many people work there, all the standard things that are always said.

When they arrive at the Ferrari garage they are not allowed to go anywhere, which makes sense. We are behind the desk. They are finishing both cars to make them ready for the first free practice.

They start the engine of Charles' car and Arthur starts to smile. He loves the sound of the engine.

To be fair, Arthur is not listening too much, he's looking around and thinking, maybe a bit too much thinking.

He just hopes everything will be okay after they saw Carlos and Charles. He doesn't want to be looked different at.

He looks at the people at the computers, he sees a lot of words on them. Probably all the data or the strategy about what they want to do next. It's something Arthur is really interested in with how everything works.

"Okay, so that's our garage. Let's go and meet our drivers."

"You heard that Leclerc." Shouts Lias and Arthur grabs his arm. He sees the Ferrsri employee, who's name is Julio, looking at him.

He sees how everyone looks at Arthur and of course he had to ask.

"Your surname is Leclerc?" Julio asks and Arthur nods.

"It is, yeah." Says Arthur and Julio starts to laugh.

"Lost brother? Who knows." Laughs Julio and Arthur bit the inside of his lip. Why did he go? Why didn't he stay home.

They start walking and Arthur looks at the ground while they walk. He feels so awkward, he knew this was going to happen and still he feels so uncomfortable. His stomach feels sick, like he can puke every moment now.

"We have a lot of our academy drivers, who test our sim or just look with us and get to know what is going to happen with them if they make it to Formula 1."

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now