Chase's Pain pt. 3

Start from the beginning

"Because you're already so worried about me and I didn't wanna add more to it."

"No, don't ever not tell me these things, Chase. I need to know."

Zoey insisted as she cried into Chase's shoulder.

"Okay, baby. I'm sorry. I promise I'll tell you everything."

The couple sat on the couch and decided to watch some TV and cuddle together. Zoey rested her head on Chase's shoulder while Chase rested his head on Zoey's head. Zoey rubbed Chase's stomach when she heard it groaning, making Chase blush in embarrassment.


Chase apologized.

"Not your fault. Are you even hurting?"

Zoey asked.

"Yeah. It's not nausea, but it's aching."

Chase admitted. Zoey reached up and felt to see if Chase was warm or feverish.

"You don't feel too warm."

Zoey confirmed.

"I don't feel feverish. Stomach just hurts."

Chase said as he sighed and kissed the side of Zoey's head. She smiled at the sweet gesture.

"Have the doctors not told you anything else?"

Chase shook his head no to his girlfriend's question.

"Nope. So, if I die, you'll know why."

Chase says, resulting in receiving a punch in the arm from Zoey.

"Don't say shit like that!"

"Ow! What?"

"You can't say shit like that, Chase! That terrifies me. I can't lose you, Chase..."

Zoey says, tears beginning to prick her eyes.

"Baby, I was only kidding. That was a bad joke, I'm sorry. You know I will never leave you."

Chase told her, kissing her lips after the apology.

"I won't make a joke like that again, babe."

"Thank you. I can't imagine being in a world that you're not in."

"I'm not leaving, I swear."

Chase assured Zoey. Their conversation was interrupted by a rumbling coming from Chase.

"You need to eat something, Chase."

"I would if it'd stay in my stomach where it belonged."

"Chase, I can feel your rib cage through your shirt."

Zoey said, touching his ribs. Chase sighed as he put his hand over his stomach. Suddenly, Zoey noticed that her boyfriend started to look off.


"I'll be back."

Chase said as he bolted, covering his mouth. He raced to the bathroom but didn't bother closing the door to the stall he went into. Logan and Michael exchanged looks with each other and sighed, feeling bad for their roommate and best friend. They both walked over, Logan knelt down beside Chase and rubbed circles into his back while Michael stood behind them both.

"Get it out, buddy. Get it all out."

Logan said.

"Ugh... My stomach..."

Chase groaned, getting a break from vomiting.

"I know it hurts, man. We're right here for ya."

Logan assured him. Once Chase knew he was done, he flushed and stood up and went over to the sink to wash his mouth out and brush his teeth, getting the left over blood and taste out of his mouth. The three of them went back to their room and Chase made a beeline for his girlfriend, who sat there and waited for Chase to return.

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