Wake the fuck up, bitch

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Elias, (who looked like he could collapse to the floor asleep at any moment) fumbled around with his work keys, he could never remember which one unlocked the front door but after a good minute or two the ginger got into the building and went to turn off the alarm.

"Ah shit- what's the fucking code for this piece of crap-" Elias panicked for a solid 30 seconds until he remembered the code in his shitty memory.

"1-1-2-0" he mumbled as he punched the code into the alarm box thingy and the alarm finally stopped.

After that he turned on all the printers and other systems that made the shop "Scan. Copy. Print." Motto true. After Elias did that he sat at the front desk and checked the time.

"6:30 am? Fuck me-" he groaned, his shift started at 6:00 am and 035 and 073 came in at 7:00 am, god he really hated this job. But just as Elias thought that he fell asleep face first on the front desk computer.

Around 15 minutes later the bookshelf above the sleeping employee broke and all of its contents fell on his head.

Elias snapped awake, old machine manuals hitting his head was definitely one way to wake up. "Ow- fuck- What the hell-" he looked up at the time while rubbing his head, "6:45..." he began to pick up the dusty books coughing a bit as he did so. Once he had cleared all the books away he sat back in the front desk chair, his head occasionally nodding down before jolting back up, his eye bags more prominent than ever, looked like the poor guy never slept.

Then at 7:00 am his friends opened the door to Scan. Copy. Print. the bell rang and Elias looked up to give a small hello to 035 and 073.

"Heyyyyy- Cain and Dyó"
"Ello" said 035 tapping at his mask
"Hi" said 073 smiling softly.

(Word count: 331)

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