First part [Harol, have mentioned to Cale, Toonka, Clopeh]

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Spoiler: around chapter 305 when the battle between the Whipper Kingdom and the Moguro Empire.

Characters: Harol, his subordinate (oc), have mentioned to Cale, Toonka, Clopeh


"He looks like a white-haired priest, don't you think so?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Harol asked his subordinate who followed him.

"I mean Commander Cale. He looks like a white-hair priest that used to help heal our people."

Harol kept his expression still then turned to look at Cale who was walking with Tunka in the garden. The guy, that following both of them like a shadow, not far away was Choi Han. The three of them heading towards one of the palaces of the Whipper Kingdom.

"Hmm... Well, the facial features are a little similar, but Commander Cale is more taller."

Harol randomly came up an idea the difference.

"And one more thing...comparing a commander with a priest is kinda....I don't know. A little bit opposite."

"Ah, it's inappropriate."

Rief, his subordinate scratched his cheek.

It was true, Rief recalled especially when the war that Commander Cale had led.

Although Cale Henituse's nickname, as the villagers call him, sounds beautiful as a holy hero. But for the enemy 'Young Master Silver Shield' is a Satan for them. With the battle to defend the territory at the Henituse region or the battle on the sea at Ubarr region. That man was the leader of the Roan army, annihilating the advancing enemy army until they destruction.

A shield that protects their people but crushes the enemy.

Cale Henituse is that person.

While the white-haired priest...Reeve is like Whipper people. Most of them do not believe any gods or religions. but if there is someone who he thinks is suitable for the word holy as a saint. It must have be that priest.

'If you know it's the same person. This guy probably foamed up with saliva.' Harol looked at the delighted faces of his subordinate.

Rief's older brother was a soldier who joined the battle at Maple Castle and was hit by a magic bomb that was thrown at him. Everyone believed that he could only lie in bed and waiting for his death. But the healer who had come with Cale that day had could healed him like a miracle.

Even now, Harol was still wondering who that healer was.

But Rief has a chance to talk to Cale who is disguised as a priest to thank him for saving the life of his only family. Harol didn't know what Cale was talking to this guy. But after that, this subordinate of his seems to have received a personal saint to worship.

The problem is...not only Rief who act like this.

The Whipper Kingdom has no religion. But now it seems begin to have.

...and also have two sects. The first sect followers were those who had been saved by the white-haired priests. The other sect, by the soldiers saved by Commander Cale Henituse from the Golems of the Mogul Empire.

Harol respected Cale very much. But he have felted that there was something strange.

"But why suddenly mentioned the priest?" He asked Rief.

"It's just...seeing Commander Cale come to General Toonka immediately after hearing the news. It reminded me of when the priest and company come to Maple Castle."

Rief eyes shone with pride.

"General Toonka has really good associate."

'Comrade' Harol changed the complaints of his subordinates in his mind. Associate sounded as if there are many.

Only Toonka, no, the Whipper Kingdom has the only friend who truly cares about the kingdom. Only...just have Cale Henituse is like having a strong alliance across the continent.

Cale come here today was because Toonka contacted him about the Whipper King and his followers had escaped. After that scum intended to accept the offer of selling the citizens of the kingdom to slaves for the Mogul Empire in order to protect their red heads.

Harol was the one who released the news.

In fact, he didn't have to do anything. The knights, soldiers, citizens, even a handful of ruling classes are not satisfied that old man at first since the days when he turned a blind eye to the oppression that those in the Magic Tower treated everyone without magic.

It was Harol who told his people to fake a mistake and let that king and his followers escape.

If Toonka knew what he had done, he would be furious. But for him, this method completely uprooted the parasitic roots.

'They must think that they survived already. But between being hunted by the villagers and being hunted down by Cale Henituse...'

Harol pushed on his glasses as his palm obscured a sly smile that appears onto his face.

Between two 'sects' in the Whipper Kingdom. It doesn't have to say who this Harol Kodiang like. Although was the difference reason from Toonka that laughed, when the subordinates asked this question and chose Cale. Because he knows that the white -haired priest was just a fake identity that was created by Cale.

Cale had even threatened Harol with his weaknesses before.

Even if Cale Henituse and the 'White-haired priest' were different people. He would have chosen the person whom he had known the true nature of both good one and bad onw.

"I hear that the army of holy knight who came to help us fight the imperial bastards that day were from the Perun Kingdom, right?" Rief implied. "The guardian knight Clopeh Sekka has white hair like priest too."

"And why, you asked?"

Harol has let it be now if this guy started talking about the white-haired priest it wouldn't be easy to stop, but why did that crazy knight have to do with it?

"White hair is rare. I have read before that the people of the Sekka household have white hair because they are blessed by the gods to be guardians of the realm. So it's possible that the Priest is from the Sekka family as well."

Rief started the theory according to the Great Prophet, not know which edition now, of his own.

"Commander Cale knows Clopeh's Guardian Knight, so Commander Cale might knows the priest! And both of them look similar, probably because they are relatives or cousins. Or Count Sekka had a secret relationship with the previous died Countess Henituse and giving birth the priest!"

...Harol started to loss to catch up with his subordinate's theory connection now.

While he hurries his way to his destination with Rief spun a yarn about the Priest's dire fate, who must conceal himself as Commander Cale and Clopeh Sekka secret brother, from behind. Then Harol realized one thing better.

'Young Master Cale.' Harold rubbed his temple with a finger. 'Please don't have any more identities.'


Hi guys, thanks for coming read this fic. As always, I'm not the original fic and I ask for permission to translate this fic already. I will give the credit at the end of this chapter. And the next chapter will be more interesting.😁

*I'm not the original author of this fic. I'm just translate it. The original fic is in readawrite website.*

The original author: Kayalyne

Chapter original name: เล่นดนตรีเองทั้งวง

Link of the original fic:

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