well then why didn't you?
i cried for hours cause of what you said

Ik kevin told me
which made me feel ever worse
I'm so sorry Antonella.
i didnt mean to say all those things
I was drunk and angry but not at you, but i let my anger out at you
i'm so sorry, your not slow, your not dumb when it comes to ppls feelings
im so sorry i let out my anger on you
i js felt left out when i saw u with kevin vale gavi and pedri. I felt like yalll didn't need me cause y'all looked so happy without me
ik it was no excuse for me to be rude with you

wait u were drunk?

yes i was
julian asked me if i wanted to go to a club with him that day so i went
some random ass girl asked me if i wanted a drink so i accepted not wanting to be rude
then one drink turned into so many
i could barely even walk after we left and i js got angry and then i called u and let out my anger out on u
im so sorry
do you forgive me?
it's okay if u don't
i understand if u don't

I don't know what to do. I want to forgive him
but I don't know if it's the right choice. He was my friend. I cant forget that he's been here for me all these years, and Everyone deserves a second chance, right?

I think i'm gonna ask Pedri if he's still waiting outside the door.

"Hey Pedri?"


"Can you come here real quick?"

"Okay?" I opened the door and he sat next to me behind the door.

"Are you okay?" He said while turning towards me.

"Yeah i'm fine, I just want to ask you something."

"Alright, go ahead."

"So when I was looking at your phone, Diego texted me an-" He cut me off.

"What did that bitch want?" I laughed at him for being so serious.

"Okay so he apologized to me but I don't know if I should forgive him, that's why I asked if you could help me."

"Okay, but with what exactly?"

"I want to know what you think, like if I should forgive him."

"Lemme see your phone."  I unlocked my phone and gave it to him. He scrolled through me and Diego's messages.

"What do you think you should do?" He asked me.

"Well I want to forgive him but I don't know. What if he does the same thing again? But then again he was my friend and he always has been there for me, and shouldn't everyone deserve a second chance?"

"Well then with the way you put it I think you should forgive him. I would've done that cause I don't like holding grudges." I laughed at him. He gave me back my phone and I started texting Diego while he watched.


i have come up with a conclusion
i forgive you.

Hasta la muerte | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now