After Monday's bunking off school, it's with reluctance that the family has returned to the adherence to their normal patterns of living, but since Wei Ying came into his own money and got fired from bartending, and left the life of a barista behind, he's just getting used to not having to rush around.

The past two days had been spent perusing the vast amount of texts and scriptures hoarded in the library, with Wei Ying offering up his interesting opinions on whatever he chose to read, to an enthralled Lan Zhan who was only too ready to put down his work.

Wei Ying waits for Lan Zhan to say something, all the way up to their room, but he's silent, only squeezing their hands now and then, as if making sure Wei Ying is still with him.

Wei Ying is even more shocked when Lan Zhan pushes him down on the bed and follows, holding him close.

"Talk to me," he says, his nose buried in Wei Ying's hair.

"About what?" Wei Ying asks him, too distracted by the pleasant fragrance of sandalwood surrounding him.

"Your nightmare."

Wei Ying stiffens at the mention of his bad dream. It's a conscious effort to relax again, but he sincerely tries, caught off guard. He knows why Lan Zhan is doing this, too. He knows it's important to talk about it, to face his fears as it were, and he wishes it was easier.

But Lan Zhan is being so kind, so understanding about it, that he wants to try.

"It was dark," Wei Ying says slowly, unwilling to relive it. "And it wasn't anything specific, just blurry images. And blood. I felt like I was trapped, and I couldn't find the way out."

Lan Zhan hums in his ear sympathetically.

Wei Ying lets go of a deep breath, and with it, the stress of last night seeps away, leaving him loose-limbed and quieter.

"You know what was worse?"


"I couldn't tell what was real, and what wasn't. And then I couldn't differentiate between what I knew had already happened, and what I was seeing, whether or not it was another prophetic dream. God, I was so scared! And then I couldn't find you." A whimper breaks free from his lips.

Lan Zhan holds him tighter. He can hear Wei Ying's heart beating faster, and it's not for a good reason.

He's so quiet now, that Lan Zhan would think he was asleep, except he has gotten so used to the sounds of Wei Ying when he's resting, that he knows he's awake.

They listen to the soothing sounds of the house getting ready for the day; people working far away in the kitchen, the muffled sounds of utensils moving about, of hot water rushing through pipes, of clocks ticking away at the time. The general domestic nature of life stirring into action is comforting, while they are protected within their own bubble of peace.

Even this is healing for both of them. They haven't really discussed what had happened over the weekend, and neither seemed ready for it. Lan Zhan didn't want to push for it, and thought or rather, he hoped that Wei Ying would say something when he was ready. For himself, he didn't feel the need to - it was something that had happened, and now it was over.

"I was so scared," Wei Ying says suddenly, as if he has read Lan Zhan's mind.


"When they took you away from me. I'm not a violent person, but I was ready to kill people to get to you." Wei Ying sniffs. "And then I saw you in action. Lan Zhan...Lan Zhan, you were amazing!"

Of all the things Lan Zhan expected him to say, THAT wasn't it.

He hides his face in the curve of Wei Ying's shoulder, breathing him in.

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