I owe him the truth. He texted me yesterday while I waited for Wren to come, checking in, saying he missed me, saying that he was going to be back in the States for a few days.

Maybe I should see him, clear the air, let him know what's going on. Well, not exactly what's going on, but apologize to him and break the news that I don't want to make it exclusive with him, that I can't.

Are Wren and I exclusive?

Are we even official?

"What's going through that pretty head of yours?" Wren speaks with such softness, her raspy voice wrapping around me like a fuzzy jacket in the cold.

I sigh and smile warily, "Tom's in town. He wants to see me."

Her smile falters a bit. She swallows and nods slowly, trying to get a read on me.

"Alright. Are you going to meet up with him?"

"I feel like I should. I owe him an explanation. I kind of ghosted him and he did nothing wrong. He was just in the right place at the right time, you know? He's been nothing but sweet to me, supportive, kind. He mentioned me in an interview last week and said nothing but the sweetest things. I need to explain why I've been distant, what's changed. At the very least, I owe him that."

Wren absorbs my words, eyes looking down as she processes, clearing her throat and running her fingers through her short hair,

"I could see that. You should go see him."

"Really? You're not mad?"

I don't know why I'm shocked, but I am. Others in the past would be livid. Adam would've never let me see a guy alone, especially not a guy I've been romantically connected to. Jake would've lost his fucking mind, John would've tried to humiliate me, it would've been terrible.

There was a time when Harry wanted to meet up to clear the air just a few months ago; he wanted to try and be friends.

Adam didn't talk to me for three days after that.

"Why would I be mad? I mean if anything, he should be the one upset considering I stole his girl. But hey, it wouldn't be the first time. Just ask him about Clara back at Uni." Wren smirks now, looking all proud and glib.

I sit up with an entertained scoff, "Oh yeah? What other women did Wren Grant steal from people in Uni, hmm? Do tell me about the women in your life, I am ever so curious." I lift my arm, leaning on my hand with raised eyebrows.

Wren looks at me with wide, deer-caught-in-headlights eyes, caught red-handed while she gulps.

"N-no, see that is not what I meant. It was not a boast or anything–" "No, seriously, I want to hear your stories. Your first love, first heartbreak, first kiss, all of it. I want to know you."

I reach over, brushing my fingers through her short hair, feeling the soft tips of every strand, my eyes smiling for me when I see the soft and touched look in hers.

Wren's lips wobble a bit as she curls them upwards,

"Abigail Wright, year seven. It was my first time going to a party, a bunch of secondary schoolers in one place. We were playing spin the bottle with our red solo cups filled with sodas, pretending it was alcohol. When she spun, it landed on me and we kissed, my first kiss. Everyone thought it was funny and no big deal but that was actually the moment I realized I was gay."

As she tells me the story, my brain imagines the setting, a bunch of eleven and twelve year olds playing games, pretending to be adults and acting like their juice and sodas are alcoholic beverages, going so far as to act drunk. It brings a lighthearted smile to my face, my hand beginning to trace every sharp edge of her jaw, waiting for her to continue, silently thanking this Abigail Wright for being a part of the reason Wren is who she is today, even if she wasn't her first love, every girl that Wren had been romantically connected to in the past has made her the woman I am sitting in bed with today.

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