Chapter 26 Part 2 The Switch

Start from the beginning

But that within me, the will, the life force, roused and said 'you can't let go - it's not the time - you didn't carelessly lose Ellen like a coin falling through a hole worn in a pocket or a purse, she died because powerful uncaring interests made you flee. You must go on. If nothing else to avenge her death'.

And I couldn't find oblivion for between my arms resting on the table was the terrorist's control unit, and the button was flashing red again.

"Oh Jesus - Oh shit," I growled, somehow conscious that if I had roared my terror the whole cabin would erupt into a maelstrom of frightened passengers.

Bernard asked,"What is it?"

"The bloody light's flashing again."

I heard as if in a dream Carlos praying.

"Call the bloody captain, Bernard," shouted Taylor, "Now!"

"Oh yes, let's ask everyone and have an election," I bellowed as I moved the toggle switch the other way.

The red light went out.

A white faced Bernard followed by the captain paced rapidly to the table.

"What happened?"

Taylor stammered and pointed at me,"He-he-he switched the th- thing again."

"Well, Berisford?" demanded the captain.

"There's just two controls on this. The button and the switch. Up to now I'd assumed it was on and off. When the red button first started flashing and I switched it, the unit wasn't off. It was just - um - resting - perhaps? So there's a timer of some sort in here. The switch just resets the timer, it's two way, not on off. If somebody doesn't switch it the timer will time out and that's it, curtains. The operator goes to his heaven, along with anyone else around him."

"How the hell do you know?"

"I don't. It's a guess. Get on to the bomb squad that's no doubt assembling in Sydney. Ask them. Here Bernard use your phone. Photo back, front and the edges."

I rotated the unit on the table, as he took the pictures.

"Get that to somebody and tell them what happened and say if the red light flashes we'll switch it again. Unless someone's got a better idea."

"Bernard. Take it to Jo up front, she'll talk to Sydney with you, and you can upload the pics from there," ordered the captain.

"Right Mr Berisford. Until I get advice from Sydney I need to understand who you are, and in particular why Mr Taylor here shows so much interest in you, so Taylor what's the story?"

"Well captain, he's on our CIA database of suspect persons."

"So what is he suspected of?"

"Well, er - there's no specific offence stated."

"So what is the CIA's problem?"

"Berisford's visa was cancelled on last leaving USA territory."

"For what reason?"

I intervened, "Look he doesn't know. There'll be little of significance in that database. At most it'll say 'reason for cancellation - un-American activities'."

"Yeah. Bastard's right there," said Taylor.

"The implication of the visa cancellation is that you were thrown out of the USA. So what were these un-American activities? Anyway that legislation must be approaching a century old. Somebody had to dig deep to find that one. Well, Berisford?"

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