Chapter 6: Push them away.

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The rain hits against the roof above me with the annoying pattern patter sound that follows. The sounds that come from a hard rain remind me of a static radio, and it only pisses me off. I lay on my back in the bed, staring violently at the ceiling above me, watching the low swing of the chain off of the fan.

'Jealous'. The word repeats over and over and over again in my head like a broken record. How was I jealous? I have literally no connection to William whatsoever. I could care less of who he dates or kisses or whatever. The only time I hear about him or even see him, it's on the ice or concerning the ice. Other than that, we're strangers.

This confused me, how can I be this.. 'connected' to someone I barely know the name to? Let alone our rival but it's only a game and that doesn't bother me. Both me and William will be in the playoffs. Part of me wants to win.. but the other part wants to see Wiliam's team win.. seeing him bounce and laugh of joy..

My thoughts get interrupted by a thunder crackle that shakes my windows. I slowly look over to the window, the raindrops racing down. Whenever it rains, I think back on my childhood. Days when my mother would drive me to my practices, I'd drag my finger down the window, following the rain drops that race down the window.. hopping the left raindrop would win, taking that shortcut of water.

I feel myself giggle thinking back on my childhood, turning my head the other way, watching the reflection of the rain on the wall. It was faint. I slowly climb out of my bed, biting at the skin on my lips. I walk over to my dresser and take a small pack of cards out of a small box.

I spend only a minute going through three card packets, before I find myself staring down at a card of Wilbur. Smiling happily, making a shot. Maybe it wasn't happy? Cocky? Whatever.. it was cute.. and fit him well..

I shake the thought away, groaning loudly as I reach up and tug around my hair. I close my eyes tightly feeling the pain receptors go off in my head. I let go of my hair and flutter my eyes back open..


I'd slowly bring the car up and pin it to the wall. I stand up and stare down at it..

"Jealous.. fuck that.. I'm not jealous.."


As the final games of the playoffs drew near, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. It had been a long and arduous journey to get to this point, and I had poured my heart and soul into every game, every practice, every moment leading up to this moment. The fans screaming with joy, pounding on the glass, while team mates fight on the ice like a pack of wild animals claiming their prey. Now, with the championship within reach, I knew I had to give it my all, that is, so we could win the cup.

But there was something else gnawing at the back of my mind, a secret that I had kept hidden for far too long. Well, I wouldn't say it is a secret per se. You see, amidst the chaos and adrenaline of the hockey world, I had found love in the most unexpected place. His name was Wilbur (who went by 'Bunny' on the ice, a talented player for the Boston Bruins, the very team we were set to face in the final round. I had only focused on the western conference because that is what we where told to play. It was definitely a shock to actually open my eyes and seeing we are playing our main rivals. The Bruins.

I had first noticed Wilbur during the season games, before the playoffs. His skill on the ice catching my eye, even if i thought he was weird and different. Or annoying, he still is, but that's not the point. Over time, our paths continued to cross, and a connection formed between us. We would steal glances and exchange shy smiles, or Wilbur would give me a side hug holding my hip. But our interactions never extended beyond that, mainly because our teams didn't like us having and form of interaction at all.

And now, as the realization sank in that we were about to go head-to-head on the ice, fear gripped my heart. How could I face Wilbur, my love interest, that I shouldn't really see as a love interest, as an opponent? Ever since me and Wilbur had any form of connection, I've been broken.

What the fuck has that man done to me.. The very thought filled me with a unique blend of terror and longing. I wanted to win, to bring glory to my team, but I also yearned to see Wilbur again. I longed to see Wilbur happy.. smiling and laughing, and jumping. Weather it be on Punz or not. I need him to be happy.

My mind was clouded with conflicting emotions. The thought of finally being able to see him, to be in his presence after months of separation, brought a glimmer of happiness. But it was tainted by the persistent doubts that plagued me. Rumors had circulated that Wilbur and Punz, another player on his team, were involved in a relationship. I had seen them together, their easy camaraderie, and my heart sank with the belief that I was just an outsider looking in. Seeing Wilbur jump into Punz's arms that day really fucked me up in the long run. At this point, I don't know how I'm going to get over that. Or even push through this game.

As the day of the final round approached, I found myself torn between my duty to my team and my desire to see Wilbur. Every practice became a battleground between my dedication and my longing. I worked harder than ever before, pushing my limits, striving to be the best version of myself on the ice. But the knowledge that Wilbur would be there, watching my every move, intensified the pressure.


I stare up at the TD Arena in disbelief. There was no fucking way I was here right now. Charlie seemed to feel the same way. Or maybe he was more scared than my conflicting self. I wouldn't say I was scared. I mean, I was.. but I'm more conflicted with feelings off of the ice. And that scared me.

I look over to my right and my expression softens. I look down at Charlie.. who was in absolute awe about this arena. It was huge, and the tickets where sold out beyond belief. But God he was terrified. We've never made jt this far before. And this hurt me to see.

I gripped the bag over my shoulder, holding onto it tightly.. I bring my other hand over, pressing it over Charlie's back. Whatever is happening to me has made me incredibly and annoyingly soft. My hand trembled as I fought the urge to hold onto Charlie.

Charlie looked over and smiled up at me. His lip was quivering a bit. He was incredibly good at hiding up the feelings he experiences, and someone on the outside wouldn't notice the small things about Charlie. Like the way his lip quivers when he's scared, or how he stims when he's offered something that means a lot to him. I hate to admit this.. but it was makes me smile and cackle seeing him react in the smallest ways. And I'm able to notice these, as I've had nights where Charlie would cry over and on top of me, to nights Charlie would shun me.

I smile looking down at Charlie, nudging his shoulder with my own.

"Don't tell me your scared, Char.."

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