"You want me to break it." (Y/n) didn't ask anything, it was a statement - meaning they must have already known about the curse.

At that moment, Elizabeth obtained an omniscient view on (Y/n). There was clearly more than just power to them.

"Yes, if you are able. Please, (Y/n)." The Goddess pleaded, lowering her head a bit for sincerity.

For a while, silence ensued again. Before (Y/n)'s response suprised both Elizabeth and Meliodas.

"Why should I?"


'Why should I?'

Perhaps it was a cold and cruel reply, but (Y/n) has already offered plenty of help without expectations.

Elizabeth's situation may be desperate, but the 7 Deadly Sins are capable of dealing with it. Why's it that only with (Y/n)'s appearance, they wish for the human to solve all of their problems?

Perhaps they were exaggerating. But even so, why can't they let (Y/n) have a break? Drole's gone, they were exhausted, they just want to sleep, and those two are interrupting.

Surely, the pair can bring up this issue another time. It's not like Elizabeth had only a few hours left.

And (Y/n) wasn't obligated to help either. So, when did their aid become an expectation?

They were not omnibenevolent. There was a limit.

A sigh escaped their lips, as they eyed Elizabeth and Meliodas, who both seemed speechless (whilst the Goddess also appeared guilty, staring at the floor).

It was only a few seconds later - that probably felt like hours for those two - that Meliodas found his words. "What do you mean? Unless, you're impling that you want something in return?"

'Oh, he's not so tactless after all.'


"Why's it only now that yo-" Meliodas uttered, before (Y/n) interrupted him again.

"If it wasn't for me, your emotions would be trapped in Purgatory right now. You'd be in your assault form, letting the 7 Deadly Sins and Elizabeth see that old and emotionless side of you. You'd be gathering the 10 Commandments, trying to gain power equal to your father, but allowing the Demon King to take over your body in the process."

(Y/n) vented, relentless with their words. They just wanted to sleep.

"I helped the 7 Deadly Sins, especially you Meliodas, significantly. How dare you question my request now."

That created a tense atmosphere easily, as Meliodas stared at them with widened eyes, speechless once again.

Either he was shocked by their cold response or their knowledge - probably both. Not like (Y/n) cared right now; those two picked a bad time to discuss this, and the human will make that as obvious as they want to.

Fortunately, Meliodas understood his boundaries, because he complied with a defeated and careful tone. "What do you want in return for breaking Elizabeth's curse?"

(Y/n) paused. There were two things they had to decide between. Meliodas could either gather some of the 10 Commandments for them, or he could search for Drole's body.

Zeldris... He has 4 of the Commandments, including his own. (Y/n) wanted to deal with him themselves.

Gaining the other commandments would also be swifter if they did it themselves, because of their knowledge about everything in the anime.

Then the option left was...

"Find out where Drole's body is, as well as the person who took it."

That seemed to spark a realisation in Elizabeth. "So Drole really did..."

It was obvious that the word hanging from the Goddess' sentence was 'die.' And (Y/n) simply ignored it altogether.

"Start right away. Only then, will I agree to break Elizabeth's curse."

It was a generous request, considering the uneven difficulties of the transaction. Breaking Elizabeth's curse was easily something that (Y/n) could ask a lot for, so Meliodas should be relieved they didn't ask for anything more.

In response, the demon appeared thoughtful, but he agreed with a wordless nod.

Remembering Zeldris, (Y/n) also added. "And another thing - if you want your own curse broken, rekindle your relationship with your brother, Zeldris."

(Y/n) didn't particularly care for Zeldris, but Meliodas did hurt him a lot, even though he should have protected the younger demon as an older brother.

Eyes wide, Meliodas almost took a step back in suprise. "With Zeldris? But..." His words drifted off, as he gazed downwards with uncertainty.

He was doubting he'll be able to accomplish that. However, on second thought, if (Y/n) told him to rekindle his brotherly relationship, wouldn't it be forced? Zeldris deserved to have a more genuine relationship.

"Nevermind. Leave now, and focus on finding Drole's body and the person who took him." They dismissed, not bothered to deal with another problem.

Meliodas hesitated, but nodded. "Understood." Reaching for Elizabeth's hand, the demon and Goddess finally left the room.

(Y/n) watched the door close, before turning their attention to the sleeping Gloxinia in their arms. His red hair draped over his pillow, his wings occupying most of the bed.

Easing their body and expression, (Y/n) nuzzled their face into the fairy's neck again. Listening to Gloxinia's soft breathing, almost like a lullaby, they closed their eyes, gradually relaxing.

It wasn't long before sleep overcame them too, and (Y/n) gladly welcomed it.


Author's note :

Literally what happened.

(Y/n): tired, exhausted, dealing with loss, wanting to sleep desperately.

Meliodas: "We have a problem- (that I expect you to do for free cause you've helped before)"

Elizabeth: 🧍😓🙃

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