The first day

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It's the first day of school! You wake up bright and early, excited to take on the day!

You put on your favorite yellow dress and grab your backpack as you head downstairs.

when you enter the kitchen, you see someone walk through the front door. It's Jack!! He's here to take you to school!

"Hello darling." He says.
"Hi Jack, are you ready for school?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

"Oh come on jack, it wont be that bad. It's our last year of high school after all. Just hang on for one more year and then you can be the official pumpkin king and forget all about high school." You respond cheerfully.

He walks you out to his headless horse, but on the way he says something that stops you in your tracks.

"Hey honey, did you hear about the metal detectors they're putting in school?"

"What?" You say as you stop walking.

"Yea babe, they're putting metal detectors in the front door as you walk in, like in the airports and stuff." Jack said.

"Jack, I cant go to school. Metal detectors? What has become of our world?"

"It's a county-wide thing hon, I wouldn't worry about it."
"BUT MY METAL WATERBOTTLE!" You scream out in rage, causing jacks headless horse to run away.

"Aw babe look what you did, I'll be right back. You can walk to school."

What a great start to the last first day of high school.

HEY GUYS!!! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. i've got a lot more up my sleeve so don't worry! there is more coming. if you liked this chapter pls like and comment if you have any suggestions!!!! okay bye. 💕

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