Chapter 1 • Hoofprints

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"Come on, slowpoke!" Nicole calls over her shoulder from where she rides on her brown gelding, Electric Storm. I press my heels into the sides of my white mare, Shooting Star. She picks up the pace until we are galloping beside Nicole. Then, with another tap of my heels, White Star surges ahead as if she had been shot out of a cannon. We seem to fly as we gallop across the pasture of White Oaks Equestrian Center, the stables that Nicole and I keep our horses at. We also compete with their equestrian team, the White Blazes. My favorite competition category is the cross-country jumping.

In cross-country, you jump over natural hurdles, such as creeks, fallen trees, and things like that. Star and I ran into the woods, jumped a log, and pounded through the forest. I love riding horses. When I'm on Star, I feel free, and unstoppable. Star and I fly over another log, then I slow her to a stop so that Nicole can catch up. Just then, Storm comes galloping up to me, but Nicole is not on his back. Worry immediately floods over me.

"Whoa, Storm!" I say as he skids to a stop right in front of me. Gently, I grab his reins and stroke his nose to calm him down.

I bought Star when I first started taking lessons here, 8 years ago. Star and I are like best friends, and I've taught her many tricks, including staying where she is when I say 'stay'.

"Star, stay." I tell her. She plants her hooves and I mount Storm. I nudge him into a canter, and we retrace our steps. Then I see Nicole, her face red from anger and embarrassment, stomping up to us.

"Oh, uh," I whisper to Storm.

I stop and dismount Storm, then I walk over to the fuming Nicole.

"Wha-" I start.

"He shied at a bunny, ok?" Nicole interrupts me.

I raise my eyebrows at her, silently telling her I didn't believe her. There are no bunnies in this part of the pasture.

"Ok, fine! I lost my balance!"

I cross my arms, waiting for a better explanation.

"How?" I ask.

"Well, Kyle texted me, so I-"

"You were texting while riding a horse at full speed? Nicole! You know that you could have gotten seriously hurt!"

Nicole calls me the Safety Police, and I call her the Safety Rebel. This was one of those situations that proved it.

I am in the middle of my rant about safety when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out to see that Mr. Oaks had texted me, saying that he had big news for me and that we needed to talk immediately.

"Come on," I say, "let's get Star and go back to the barn."

"Ok, fine."

I mount Storm, and help Nicole up behind me. I feel bad about getting onto her like that, so I slightly turn my head and say,

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok, you were just trying to protect me."

I smiled. Nicole and I are super close, but sometimes, I get a little over-protective. I had a twin sister named Macy, but she died in a car accident two years ago. So now, I'm a little afraid of losing Nicole like I lost my sister.

I shake my head to clear thoughts of Macy away as we canter up to Star. She nickers as she sees me. The sound warms my heart. Then I slide off of Storm, mount Star, and Nicole and I gallop back to the barn together, enjoying each other's company.

10 minutes later, we arrive at the barn.

"Will you do me a favor and cool Star down for me? I'll be right back," I say to Nicole.

She nods and takes Star's reins. I dismount, stroke Star's muzzle, and walk into Mr. Oak's meeting house. He is a tall, large man, and he is extremely rich. But he is very kind and gentle to everyone he meets. To me, he is like a second father.

"Mia!" He booms as he gives me an enormous hug that cuts off my airflow. I try to laugh, but it's hard because I can't breathe. Finally he lets go and tells me to sit down.

"Cookie?" He holds out a tray of chocolate chip cookies that his wife had baked. I take one and he pours me a glass of milk.

"So, I bet you are wondering why I brought you in here?" He starts.

"Not really," I tease. "I think you just wanted to stuff me with cookies and milk."

He lets out one of his hearty laughs. It makes him sound like Santa Claus, who is pretty much his twin, or at least that's what the team says.

"No, Mia. The real reason I brought you in here was to tell you that the Regional results for cross-country have just been sent in."

I suck in my breath.

"Mia, you qualified to the National Championship!"

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