"I didn't know you lived here in Forks." He said to me.

"I could say the same to you Mr.Hale." I told him, looking at him.

"Well we never talked about where we lived." Jasper stated.

"That's very true." I said nodding.

"So how old are you Stas?" Jasper asked as the teacher started his lesson. I looked at him, he already has a nickname for me and I kinda like it.

"Stas? And I'm 15 going to be 16 in September. But don't you think we should pay attention to the lesson sir?" I whispered to him.

"You're right." He smiled at me. We turned and payed attention to the lesson. The day went on, I had  one more class after that and then free period.

For my free period, I was sitting out side on a bench reading a book when I heard someone sit next to me. I looked over to see Jasper.

"You have a free period too?" He asked.

"Yeah," I laughed. "I wouldn't be out here if I didn't."  I sassed.

"Good point." He chuckled. "So when's your birthday?"

"September 13th, 1987. Yours?" I asked looking at him. I put my book back in my bag.

"January 25, 1844." He told me. I looked at him shocked.

"Damn, no wonder you have manners most people don't nowadays." I joked with a smile. He laughed.

"Where are you from?" I asked him.

"Houston, Texas. I'm guessing you're born and raised here." He said.

"Wow how'd you know?" I asked laughing.

"Just a guess. Plus I know someone who knows your family." He told me honestly. I gave him a confused look.

"And who would that be?" I asked him curiously, looking out at the forest.

"Harold Swan." He said making me snap my head to him in shock. That's my uncle, he disappeared after a couple of years after me and Bella were born.

"My uncle disappeared a couple of years after me and my sister were born. There's no way you know him." I stared at him.

"Well Stas there's where you are wrong. He's a vampire and my adoptive sister, Alice's mate." He told me softly. I shook my head at him in shock.

"He's a vampire?" I whispered to myself in tears but of course Jasper heard.

"Hey Stas," Jasper gently grabbed my face making me look at him, his face softened. "He got in a car accident one day, my adoptive father, Carlisle found him and turned him. He saved Harold's life. One day you can meet him."

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked him as I wiped my tears. Jasper sighed.

"Because...you know how I said Harold is Alice's mate?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well you're my mate. That's why I felt the need to save you from that mountain lion that day." He told me. I looked at him shocked but nodded.

"Like a soulmate?" He nodded at my question.

"Oh." Is all I said.

"I want to get to know you Stas." Jasper all the sudden told me.

"I would like that Jasper." I smiled at him. Just then the bell rang, letting the everyone know school is over. I saw my dad pulling into the school parking lot.

"Stas can I get your number?" Jasper asked softly. I smiled and nodded. He gave me his phone and I put my number in. I heard my dad honk.

"Here, text me okay?" He nodded. I smiled at him and walked to my dad's cruiser.

"Hey dad!" I greeted getting in the cruiser.

"Hey Ana! So who's the boy you were talking to?" Dad asked as he started driving.

"His name is Jasper Hale. He just moved here." I told him.

"He looks a little old for you, don't you think?" Dad asked with a raised brow.

"He's in my grade dad." I rolled my eyes.

We drove to the daycare and picked up Matthew and Brielle. We got home and I put the twins down for a nap. Dad went back to work. I was laying in my bed when my phone beeped.

Hey, this is Jasper! I smiled seeing it was Jasper.

Hey Jasper! - Ana

What are you doing? - Jasper

Not much, just put the twins down for a nap. - Ana

Twins? - Jasper

Yeah, my kids that I mentioned when you saved me. -Ana

Oh I remember. How old are they? -Jasper

They're five months old. - Ana

They're young. What's their names? - Jasper

Matthew and Brielle! - Ana

Great names! That was my brother and sisters names. - Jasper

No way! - Ana

Yes, I'm telling the truth. - Jasper

What happened to them? If you don't mind me asking of course. - Ana

Oh it's totally fine. To be honest, I don't know. After I turned I don't know what happened to them or my parents. - Jasper

Oh I'm sorry! I feel bad for asking now. - Ana

No don't feel bad! I lost track of them after I turned. It's okay. - Jasper

Okay. - Ana

So are you and Matthew and Brielle's father together? - Jasper

Nope, I'm single. Me and Paul broke up when I was five months pregnant. We just weren't working anymore, always fighting and whenever I would go to see him, he would dodge me or say he had plans so I broke up with him. - Ana

Oh I'm sorry. - Jasper

Oh no it's completely fine. We are friends now, co- parent great. - Ana

Well that's great to hear. - Jasper

Me and Jasper talked for the rest of the night. We went from texting to calling.

Anastasia Swan [Jasper Hale, Pre-twilight]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن