||Chapter-1:Mysterious Woman||

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A/N: Everyone's cabins in the tribe who has older or younger children looks like this, same thing goes for Matoaka anyone who's in the tribe has these types of cabins up high in the trees

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A/N: Everyone's cabins in the tribe who has older or younger children looks like this, same thing goes for Matoaka anyone who's in the tribe has these types of cabins up high in the trees.

Speaking: Sign is this "" Thoughts is this "..." normal talking is this "..."

A/N:She has darker skin but just blue eyes like her mom, some white patches of vitiligo,raven black hair

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A/N:She has darker skin but just blue eyes like her mom, some white patches of vitiligo,raven black hair

Last name:Arrow
POB: Amazon Jungle
Brothers: Chayton, Dyami, Helaku, Liwanu(twin brother)
Sisters: Aiyana, Catori, Dyani, Pavati, Sakari, Tayen
Siblings Age: Chayton(16), Dyami(16), Helaku(20), Liwanu(21), Aiyana(23), Catori(18), Dyani(16), Pavati(17), Sakari(15), Tayen(13)
Role:Future tribal chief(Witch)

Name:Matoaka Last name:Arrow DOB:02/14/2002POB: Amazon JungleAge:21Height:5'8Weight:220Mother:Enola Father:MykeltiBrothers: Chayton, Dyami, Helaku, Liwanu(twin brother)Sisters: Aiyana, Catori, Dyani, Pavati, Sakari, TayenSiblings Age: Chayton(16),...

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-NO ONE'S POV-chaos

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chaos. Is quite the word to describe what is happening a lot of people went back to their "old ways" Apes were the most dominate species on earth since humans were also exposed to another disease other than the simian flu it was the Zombie virus. The new king of apes Caesar looked around the woods hearing Growls but when they looked behind them they saw normal looking humans who had a very terrorfied and scared look on their face, "Jackson what do we do? Stand still? walk or run?" Asked a Man "RUN! DEFINATELY RUN!" Screams a man the group of people started running for their lives, At all directions through the trees and bushes started moving at a rapid pace, they heard the men screams in terror, and the screams suddenly came to an end they heard calm and soft rustling through the bushes and trees "Caesar what was that?" Signed a grey short haired ape "A human tribe" Caesar signs in return til they noticed the chief of the tribe greet them "Hello Caesar, I hope sons and his friends didn't frighten you" the chief said in a gentle voice, guiding the apes and their king through jungle to the village full of humans but they were slightly different from the rest they all had face plaintings on them except for the children which seemed a bit odd, "Since you are a new leader of a colony in thses vary woods you must meet with my council that could you. And for some your injuries I know just the woman for the job" Says The Chief he leads the apes to a hut moving the piece of big and long fabric to the side for the apes to enter the cabin, Caesar and his loyal friends walked in to see a young woman who looked to be around her early 20's "Son! calm down" Shouts the Cheif "I'm trying-Ow!" yells the teenage boy "I'm almost done, quite your whinning" Said the woman, "I can't when your stabbing me with that needle!" Yells the boy "Well you wouldn't in this mess if you left my Jaguar alone!" Shouts the woman "Why do you even have a pet Jaguar in the first place?" Asked the boy "Mission dumbass" Mutters the woman, "What mission?" asked the confused boy, "the Deadly kind," giggles the woman "Alright. Your gonna send her after me again aren't you!!" yells the boy, "That depends if your gonna continue squirming around making it difficult for to stitch up the scratch of yours" Warns the Woman, after she finished his stitches and bandaged him up before sending him off to his daily duties, She cleaned up her hands with water, she washed the blood off her tools as well, the cheif had the apes sit down with him and the woman "Father, who are they?" Asked the woman "The ape colony I have told you about daughter" Replies The Cheif, "I see" says the woman her eyes were fixed on the ape council's new fresh injuries, "Caesar she noticed you guys were injured" Said the Cheif. The woman took Caesar's arm dragging his body towwards hers so she could see his wounded neck she started healing it as the palms of her hands started glowing a emerold green color Caesar felt a relaxing and calm sensation around his neck, his eyes narrowed at her hands he noticed a green glowing light coming from her palms when she released her hand from his neck and let his arm go from her other hand Caesar felt his neck to realize the electric shock wound from a taser was healed "How?" Said Caesar "She has supernatural abilities since she was born and it is somewhat related to nature and the forest," Explains the Chief to a very confused Caesar, The apes noticed her Starring at something

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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