Chapter 2

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That night I didn't see Loki again. He disappeared to the guest room, not a sight or sound from the young prince.

I left his meal in front of the bedroom door, but it was never touched.

The next morning I woke up early for my usual run, but there was no sign of Loki. The fall must've really wiped the energy from him.


Bent over at the waist, hands on knees panting desperately to get air to enter my lungs. I had just barely made it to the door before my body had finally given out. My run ended up being an extra 2 miles because I decided to try a different trail.

Big mistake.

I still needed to go to the gym, but I wasn't willing to leave Loki here alone for that long. I feared he would somehow kill my cat that hadn't come out of hiding since he arrived.

I refilled my water bottle, packed my gym bag, and grabbed my keys. Finally I approached the guest bedroom, afraid of what I might find.

Hesitantly I reached my hand out to the doorknob, slowly turning it before pushing it open.

A relieved sigh escaped my lips at the sight of pale limbs strewn out across the bed in an obscure manor, and tousled raven hair poking out from beneath the sheets.

The Prince was asleep.

No matter how funny he looked, sleeping like a teenager, I couldn't leave him here.

"Loki! Loki wake up." I began to shake the slim, but heavy sleeping form.

He simply groans, yanking the sheets further up over his head.

"Loki I said wake up! We're going to the gym!" I tried to shake him again, but he swatted my hand away.

"Go take a long walk off a short pier." He grumbled.

"Jetzt ist Schluss mit lustig!* Get your ass out of bed, or i'll drag you out."

Within a second he was up and standing in my face, pushing me against the wall. A look of rage was plastered to his pale features, his eyes seeming to glow a brighter shade of green.

"Have I not made it clear enough for your uncomprehending mind? I do not want to go to this 'gym' you speak of. Piss. Off." He hissed, tightening his hold on me.

"Well have I not made it clear enough for you, Loki? I'm taking you to the gym whether you like it or not. You're in my house, under my roof, and you WILL follow my rules. If not I can just call the police and have your ass sent straight back to whatever government facility you were in last time!"

Loki looked taken aback by my words, as if it had clicked in his mind. He said nothing, just walked away with his hands clasped behind his back, trying to conceal his emotions. However, I could see right through him like glass.

He's scared, sad, angry, and alone.

I laid out clothes for him, a v-neck tee, athletic shorts, and an old pair of Hagan's sneakers. I could feel his eyes on me as I exited the room, causing chills to run up my spine.


Eventually Loki emerged from the bedroom, clad in my brothers old athletic wear. It fit him near perfectly.

"Alright lets go." I picked my stuff up, and led Loki out to the car, throwing everything into the back seat.

As we sat in the car, him and I were quickly thrust into an awkward silence, so I turned the stereo on. I pressed shuffle on my playlist, and "Right Here In My Arms," by HIM rang out through the speakers.

Loki didn't bother protest my choice in music, instead he stared out the window, his demeanor that of a pouty child.

~ So hard she's trying
But her heart won't turn to stone... oh no
She keeps on crying
But I won't leave her alone
She'll never be alone ~

The soothing sound of Ville Valo's voice made all of my anger and frustration dissipate into thin air.

Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something that almost resembled the ghost of a smile flash on Loki's face as the chorus played.


Once we arrived at the gym, I swiped my membership card, and approached the woman at the front desk.

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

"Oh hi there! Good morning, what do you need?" She beamed, looking up from her computer.

"Hi, uh my cousin isn't quite all there up top," I pointed towards my brain to give her an idea of what i'm hinting at. "I was wondering if I could just leave him in the daycare area for a while? He'll behave, I promise."

"Well sure thing, sweetheart! I'll take the big guy back there right away, so you cant do your work out!" She chirped, standing up and approaching Loki.

She spoke gently to him as she led him towards the children's room, causing the raven haired prince to turn and shoot a glare at me.

I shot Loki a wink as he was hauled away, and his glare only worsened.

Ahh now, I can exercise in peace.

A/N: Hi sorry for the long wait, i've been a bit preoccupied!

Translation: Jetzt ist Schluss mit lustig* - "Enough with the jokes"

I highly recommend you check out the song in this chapter! Its really really good! Its by a Finnish rock band called HIM.

Stay creepy ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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