mall trips (and other things)

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//edit: so i was thinking about this a bit and i realised it does not match up with canon dates whatsoever but this is a canon event so eventually i'm gonna have to go back and change it all :,3

"yo, kira," ray tapped her knuckle on akira's bedroom door, which was slightly cracked open.

she got silence as a response.
"akiraaaaaaaaa...," she dragged on his name, looking for an answer.
still nothing.

ray sighed and quietly opened akira's door, stepping inside.
she was met with a darkened room with only a touch of sunlight creeping in from the closed blackout curtains, quiet disreign playing, and a sleeping brother.

ray clutched the red pentagram necklace that she wore and opened the small box she had in her hand, which carried the exact same necklace. she hastily turned on her phone flashlight and scoured around for any piece of paper and a pen, which she found sitting on akira's desk.

"happy 16th birthday to the only family member who gives a shit about me, i hope you appreciate what's inside. i have things planned for you, so don't sit in your room all day. worst (best) regards, ray."

she set the piece of paper on top of the box, which she set on his side table.
ray walked back to her room and sat on her bed, patiently waiting for akira to get up.


shortly after ray had walked back across the hall, akira had woken up.
he tiredly sat up and grabbed his phone, the light from his lock screen covering the box, to which he looked at confused.

"ray, you sneaky motherfucker," he whispered, tiredly. he picked up the note and read it, laughing to himself.


"and what're these 'things planned' for today?" akira poked his head into ray's room.

"oh, you'll see," she said, crossing her legs. "it'll ruin the surprise."
"very well, then. i'll see myself out."

"GOODBYE, I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU FOR NOT BEING AN ASSHOLE," ray over-exaggerated, as she always did.
"farewell, sibling."

akira went back to his room and shut the door, looking at himself in the full length mirror on the back of his door.
"man, i look like shit," he whispered to himself. he stared at his messy, black hair, acne scars and frail build. he lifted up his baggy shirt and stared at himself, scars from previous injuries, bruises from running into random things. he looked in the mirror with sad eyes before sighing and shuffling over to his dresser, going to get dressed for the day.

on the other side of the hall, ray stood at her bathroom vanity, intensely curling her hair, humming wretched and divine.

"hey, ray?" akira stood in the doorway. "whatcha up to?"
ray spun around on her heels and held up her curling iron. "you're next," she said with a not so convincing, "menacing" grin, which got a weak smile out of akira.
"alright, kid, if that didn't make you laugh, or maybe i'm just not funny, what's going on?"
"nothing," he shook his head. "just wanted to tell you that mom and dad are out for the day. got something from mom earlier this morning."
"joyous," ray said, concentrating on her hair. "is that all?"
akira mindlessly nodded. "yeah."
"m'kay then. i bid you farewell, brother."
he sighed and went back to his room, letting ray be alone.


"child, it is time to leave the premises," ray said a bit later, peeking her head into akira's room.
"are you asleep again? because i sw-" her sentence got cut off by the sight of a shaking akira, rubbing his eyes.
"what the fuck is wrong?" ray asked, wide-eyed, throwing herself onto the bed next to him.

"why am i not good enough?" akira looked up at his sister with sad eyes. "you're so... confident, and carefree, and you know how to put people in their places... i'm so... cowardly," he buried his face in her shoulder and sobbed.
"i'm not, though. that's the thing," ray sympathetically said, wrapping her arms around akira. "you aren't a coward. if anything, i am."
"how, though?"
"you've seen how helpless i can get. i'm only a bitch to people that i know aren't gonna beat the ever living shit out of me," she tried to joke to lighten the mood. "besides, it's your birthday! i have something planned that i think you'll really like," ray ruffled akira's hair and pat him on the shoulder.
"yeah, i'm kinda curious about what that is," he whispered.
"you'll see," ray said in a sing-song tone.

(neeeeeeeeeerow car time because ray can drive BAM look where we are)

"the... mall?" akira said, with a faint smile on his face.
"hell yeah the mall!"
ray stepped out of her car and patiently waited for akira, then grabbed his wrist and practically dragged him to the entrance out of excitement.

"can you pleeeeeeeease tell me where we're going?"
"nope, not until we get there."


the both of them walked around and made small talk for a bit, before they passed by the piercing and tattoo shop that akira would always give longing glances to. he did the same thing this time, which ray noticed.

"oh! can't believe i almost missed it!" she said happily, turning around.
"wait, what?"
"sixteen and up for piercings, eh? who's sixteen today?" ray pointed to the shop. "nose ring?"

akira's eyes lit up and a huge grin plastered itself onto his face. he tried to contain his excitement, but couldn't help hopping up and down slightly.
ray watched him from a solid two feet away. "gotta check you in."


around an hour later, akira was handed a mirror, was told the basics of piercing cleaning, and he was one happy lad (why the fuck did i say that. elle what is wrong with you.) him and ray walked around the mall, window shopped, hung around at some restaurants, etc.

"oh boy, father is going to beat my ass when he sees you," ray joked on the way back to her car.
"if they're even coming home tonight," akira muttered.
"hopefully not. quite frankly don't wanna ruin a perfect day by getting bitch slapped."
akira sighed. "i really liked today, ray. thank you," he wrapped his arms around ray.
"i knew how badly you wanted that piercing. it ain't a problem."

their parents did not come home that night so ray did not get bitched slapped which is really good

media mentioned:

disreign which is amazing fucken artist I LOVE YOU YOHIO U ARE THE BEST VOCALIST EVER
wretched and divine - black veil brides
okay bye

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