« bear the burden »

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When I open my bathroom door, a pathetic scream escapes my throat. I grip the luxury bath towel tighter around my body, trying to regain my stolen breath.

A giant teddy bear, larger than me, has been set on top of my bed, a note trapped between its fluffy paws. I take a quick look around my room, making sure I'm alone, before I dare to touch the bear. Creeping over to my king sized bed, I snatch the note, boldly reading the words scrawled out in black ink.

Please bear the burden of joining me for an afternoon swim

J. W. H

I smile, setting the note back in its fancy envelope, sealing it away forever.

I ask Oren to drive me to the beach, doing my best to cover my half naked body. I thought this was a good opportunity to show Jameson my new swimming suit before he takes it off me.

Dark rain clouds have been smeared across a canvas of black overcast skies. The clouds dominate the air as they loom over the black ocean water.

My toes sink into the wet sand as I clutch the beach towel to my chest, my eyes scanning the empty beach in search of Jameson.

I check the clock on my phone.


That means Jameson should be showing up very soon...

"I'd rather have this off," A voice whispers in my ear as a naughty hand tugs at my bikini top. Jameson. I grin.

"It's either my swimming suit or a scandalous make out session with you," I look out across the water, watching the waves crash onto the beach.

"That's a hard pick, Heiress," Jameson's hand leaves my bikini alone, but drifts down to the exposed skin on my lower back.

"Your bear scared me," I admit, turning my head to look him in the eye.

"It's your bear," Jameson corrects, "And his name is Hubert." I smile.

"Well, I appreciate you for giving me such a lovable animal," I step closer to him, savoring his warmth and strength. Jameson gropes for my hand, squeezing my fingers one, two, three times.

A symbol of trust, even comfort.

"Take a swim with me," Jameson invites.

We run into the glacial ocean waves, laughing at each other's pained faces. Jameson dunks first. He pulls me down with him seconds later. We gasp for air when we resurface, our lungs working hard to keep us alive.

"I'm cold," My teeth chatter as I tread water. Jameson pulls me close to him, his eyelashes glued together from the water. He looks at me, our noses almost touching. His breath is warm and mellow, and I forget about my freezing bones as I search his jade green eyes.

"I can warm you up," Jameson grins sloppily, his mouth hazardously close to my own. I close my eyes as he kisses me, his tongue exploring my bottom lip. 

I thread my fingers through his silky strands, his scalp warm against my touch. He kisses me, his soft lips moving from my mouth to my neck.

He whispers my name, over and over, and I think I'm beginning to melt. 

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