The battle Begins

Começar do início

"Straighten your back knee in the needle and don't let your shoulders or chest drop." 

"Keep your knee straight y/n!" 

"Your getting sloppy y/n, you have a beautiful routine just think about what corrections I am telling you" Gianna says before letting me go home. 

*Three days till competition*

Y/n's Pov: 

So yesterday at home I sprained my wrist attempting to do a back walkover back handspring. Normally I am able to do that, but I just gave up through the back handspring and here I am.

So now I have a brace on it and I am kinda scared for what Abby is going to say because in my solo there are a lot of points where I am using my hands.  

When I walked in Abby was helping Kenzie with her solo, which was Jazz and it's called 'Perfect fit' 

Surprisingly when Abby saw me she didn't say anything about my arm, which was good. I guess my mom had already said something about it to her.

Even though my arm was wrist was hurting I still practiced my solo in the conner. My wrist wasn't hurting too much and lucky for me I can do one handed front walkovers and needle backcatchs with one hand for the time being. 

"Y/n, Nia, Paige, and Maddie I want you all to come in and watch Chloe's solo, I want you to judge what she is doing." Abby says and I sit down next to Paige

~Interview with Christi~ 

I don't know where Abby comes up with these ideas, We teach our kids to be supportive of each other and not judgemental, so you're putting everyone  in an awkward position.

~Interview over~

"Okay comments?" Abby says to us.

Nia, Paige and Maddie all said something and I didn't say anything, If I was dancing and my friends had to judge I would feel weird and scared too. 

Abby lets me leave the room while the girls went to work on the group number. After Abby watched the group number she had me run my solo for her. 

"You hurt your wrist but that is not going to hinder you from doing this whole routine like I know you can. If you have to do something with one  hand then do it but you have to be prepared for this weekend.

"You need to focus on your turn out because you are not turning it fully out and that is why you are falling out of your turns. " Abby says stopping the music 

"Do it again, and think about the little things that will make the judges love your routine." 

I started over at least four times before I actually finished the whole routine, which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. "Good job" she says as I finish

*Day of competition* 

"All right, Let's go girls" Abby says as we got out of the van. 

We all went into green room. 

"Ok do we know what's first is it trios, group, or solos?"  Kelly says 

"Trio is first" Melissa says.

"Alright guys listen, you need to get fired up and get out there. I think we have a chance because what I saw out there, it's really bad" Abby says 

I was stretching when I heard Abby talking to Maddie about her solo. Maddie told Abby that she would do the solo next week because she is not ready to do it today.

And then they started talking quieter. I really hope that Maddie doesn't do the solo because if she does that will just make my sister more worried then she already is.

Leap for the StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora