On this day
R.D Pov

'Wake up and make this money.'

God I hated that alarm. To lazy to change it tho. Yo! I'm Rem your local French prostitute who stranded in Japan. Well I'm not a prostitute, I just have mind bending sex with anyone who can afford it. Except old pervy gezzers, I have standards. Speaking of clients.

I groan peeling my latest client's arm of my bare chest. Looking over I stared at her partially pretty face. Her bright lipstick smuged due to the rough kissing and her platinum blonde hair all of the place. She was a Russian- American chick who came all the way from Ukraine to 'experience my work.' And let's say she wasn't disappointed. Hoping out of my bed but ass naked I headed to the kitchen to whip up some breakfast for my hungry ass.

Grabbing two eggs,I mixed them into a bowl adding season salt,diced onions,diced bell pepper and black pepper. I threw it into my grease non stick pan allowing it to fry. In a separate pan i was toasting two slices of plain white bread with butter until golden brown. There the perfect sandwich. I know I'm giving Gordon Ramsey right now.

Just as i finished garnishing (still but ass naked) and pouring the refreshments Linda or Glinda rushed out my room. "Oh good you're up,come eat love." I smiled with my french accent leaking into my english. Considering english was the only language we could communicate in I spoke it despite having trouble.

"Oh are you suree?!" She whined as she still made her way to the table. "Of course, I leave my last client without some sort of aftercare." I smoothely spoke gently caressing her cheeks as I plant multiple soft kisses on her pinkish lips. That was a lie btw. I always give my clients aftercare male or female. Weather I'm top or bottom. I don't know why but seeing people happy makes me happy.

And as for what I meant by last client well..... Check it! So I got this bombass job at T.T.I.C. In case your wondering what is that well it's only one of the most famous technology corporations in the world. Literally on par with Apple for their futuristic tech and what not. And I managed to land a job there. Not only a job tho. Head of a FUCKING department. So basically my job is to gatekeep all incriped information about the companies lastest productions. And let me tell you the money is good.

Sure I make a bag from my current profession but it takes time to get clients and all of that but with this company I'll be able to get a fixed pay. On time to do whatever I need whenever I need. Glinda or Linda sinked her teeth into the crunchy egg sandwich moaning at the taste. Smiling at her reaction I ate mine as well.

After a few minutes of dining on fine deliciousness I noticed the time. My white dreads began to stand up with electricity coursing through them as I basically dove into the shower. Not planning on being late on my first day.

I hurried out of my house ready to break out into a sprint. But I just relized I have a quirk. Placing my hand on a nearby lamp pole, draining it of its electricity. When I felt it was empty I returned the energy being taken inside with it. The next minute I stood across the road near another lamp pole in front a thirty story building shimmering in the sun. The reason I didn't go inside is cause doing what I did deains all the electricity out of the object.

So those lamp poles are never turning on again. Crossing the road I pushed the doors open and stared in bewilderment. The marble tiles were lined with golden in prints giving the place a luxurious hotel vibe. Emeral green couches of all size were littered amoungst the place as well as 42 inch flat screens that showcaseed the latest products.

The place smelled like pine with a cinnamon smell in the air that was quite nice. I quickly headed towards one of the secretaries. "Umm.. Good morning love can you please direct me to Mr.Kishitama's office." I gave a closed eyes smiled as I stumbled with my Japanese. "And who might you be." The crossed middle aged lady asked with her eyes never leaving her screen.

"I'm the new C.D.O guy." I gave her another smile. Her eyes looked me up and down as she mumbled bled something. "What was that?" I perked up. "What did you hear?"

"I'd prefer not to repeat it."

"Then I'll guess we'll never know." Her heels cliked as she guided me.

Reaching the twelveth floor she lead me to a door the spelt 'Shinzu Kishitama' in gold. "Knock before you enter, or you'll regret it." She walked off. I quickly knocked three times hearing muffled voices and shuffling. A man about late twenties answered the door. He look sleep deprived like the hero Eraserhead which meant it was a good look on him. He was sweating with his hair sticking to his forehead and his white dress shirt sticking to his very fit abdomen.

His green eyes shimmered as he stared at me while letting out an exaggerated yawn. "You're dressed like your at the Met Gala or something." His tired tone was quite sexy. "Enter."

His office was spacious and wide with a desk facing the giant glass windows. Like literally the desk and his computer were the only thing in this room. The shelves on the wall empty asf and so was his desk. What exactly did they pay this guy for? He hopped over his desk in one quick leap landing in the chair.

"Remy Deuxue?"

I found a lot of people in the Japan had difficulty pronouncing my last name when speaking Japanese but he had it down pack surprisingly. "Yes sir." I swallowed mildly nervous. We stayed in silence for moment until I spoke up. "Are you the owner of this organization?"

In less than a second he was all up in my face a little closer the professionally appropriate,but if he wanted to get unprofessional I had no problem with that. "That's quite the ballsy question." He smirked. "Do I not look qualified to be the boss? C'mon answer honestly."

Before I could answer I fell.

To the floor? No. I continued fall until my feet reach solid ground. I stumbled due to the sudden empact but Shinzu held me. My eyes darted around the new room I was in when a glowing blue hole caught by eye. 'His quirk?'

"This is you office. Decorate it as you wish but have it done by the end of the week. All decorations will be supplied and paid for by the company." He spoke opening a next hole. "Good day."

That guy needs to use a door or something.

On this day
July 14,2023

"The details of Brazillian villian Vespira will be givin to you short Mr. Todoroki." A lady who wore a tight office suit and a slick bun told me. 'Who come's up with these cringy names.' I shivered. Why couldn't everyone be basic like me. My hero name is literally Shoto. Short and simple, unlike Lord Explosion Murder or Vespira.

I lazily stared at the U.H.A main assistant Shiva Aki. "Yeah..yeah send them to my company email." I asked
Hope you enjoy.
Also I'm no good at describing outfits so those collages and Pintrest are my saving graces.

Guys I wrote this like two years ago 💀

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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