"Who's party are we going to?" I questioned.

"Are you okay? I thought you'd heard when Niall told us." Gracie raised her eyebrows and gave me a confused look for the second time tonight.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't take it all in is all." I responded, wanting to sound believable. The last thing I needed right now was a lecture from Loren about drugs and how they have this effect. Really, the coke wasn't working. I needed something more because I still felt as dull as before.

"Oh, well it's Harry's."

"What?!" I made Loren jump with the raise of my voice. She knew everything between me and Harry and still didn't think to stop me from going to his party?

"Chill, relax, Niall invited us and said it'll be fine. Don't stress." Loren told me.

"Don't stress? He fucking hates me. He'll have me thrown out of his place in no time and that's if I can even get in. I don't wanna be around him."

"Florence, you don't have to interact with him." Loren told me.

As if that helped. Besides, why was he having a party on a Monday night? Especially when we had to work tomorrow.

I folded my arms and slumped back in my seat, staring out the window and not speaking for the rest of the journey.

We pulled up outside Harry's apartment block, memories flooded my mind of me and Harry making our way inside together. Not able to take our hands off one another.

"I can't do this." I stepped back, Loren and Gracie giving me yet another concerned look.

"Yes you can, we won't let anything happen to you." Loren's hand came up to rub my back, only making me feel more nauseous.

She was right. It was only Harry.

I gave them a small nod, stepping forward so that they knew I will be going in.

We walked into the elevator and Gracie pressed the button of the floor Harry lived on.

So many questions were rushing through my mind. What about the photos of Orla? What if Orla turns up? Does Harry know I'm coming? Will Harry be really really angry at me for coming? Does Niall know what happened?

The lift chimed, letting us know we'd stopped on the floor we needed. Loren and Gracie stepped out of the lift in front of me, I took a deep breath. Is this how I die? Maybe Harry will kill me and end the misery of tonight.

I stepped out, following behind Loren and Gracie, they opened the front door and we entered a world which can only be described as drugs, sex and rock and roll.

The room was dark, only a few lights were lit around the room. Even in the darkness I could see that there were at least 4 people having sex in this room. I could smell the alcohol and I could see reminiscents of white powder on the set of drawers to my left.

Gracie spotted Niall and immediately Niall came over to us. "Wow you actually came! Come on, let's get you three a drink." Niall urged us to follow him, so we did.

I took in my surroundings as we walked, the photos of Orla were gone. Harry had taken them down and I assume it was for the party only.

Niall took us to the kitchen, the one where I'd met Orla for the first time. The one where Harry had kicked me out of his apartment.

Harry spotted me, I didn't even need to look at him to notice. I could feel him watching me as we made our way into his kitchen. "What the fuck is she doing here?!" Nice to see you too, Harry.

"Come on mate, you just gotta be civil for a few hours. You don't even have to speak." Niall told Harry.

"No, she leaves. Now."

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