Chapter 1: It fucking worked

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The book glared at her on the kitchen counter, patiently waiting for her next move. What exactly do I need to do here? Say a few words and POOF, a demon appears? No, it can't be that simple. I mean, the book does say 'Demon Summoning for Dummies.' Maybe I'm overthinking it.

     There are these kinds of situations where a person may find themselves desperate enough to seek out the dark arts, or maybe venture down the dark web. But this book was just sitting in your average WHSmith, so would it really work? It was only £5.99 after all. Well, it's not like I'm going to be worse off if it doesn't work. I'll just be back in the same situation I was before, single, and lonely. My god I need to get a social life.

     The book stated that Luna needed to draw a pentagram on the floor from salt, so she grabbed the bottle of sodium and began sprinkling it on the tiled floor. They don't make this summoning bullshit easy do they? How many lines do you need in a pentagram? Oh for fuck's sake, I've done it backwards. Wait, no it's fine. I'll just move.

     What am I saying exactly? It better not be in Latin, I can just about speak English. God this writing is all smudged. The book had a simple summoning poem written in it, as advertised even a dummy could follow it. But for some reason, Luna still managed to mess it up.

     'Are you ready to make a contract with me? For these words you speak are the key. I will serve you until my mission is done, and in return your soul will be won. Just give the order and for you I shall fight, whenever you wish, day or night. To make this contract you will need a seal, and in return we will have made a deal. The thing I need from you now is simple. The ring will be our binding symbol.'

     Now what was the part she got wrong you wonder? Well, what on Earth would a demon want with a ring?

     At first nothing happened, nothing surprising anyway. Luna just kind of sat there staring at the white salt in the twitching kitchen light. I really need to get that fixed. But then there was a knock on her front door, and with a confused look, Luna went to answer it. As she opened the door, a man was stood there smiling at her. At least she thought it was a man, until she looked at him closely. His eyes were glowing a bright amber colour, his smile had two sharp fangs protruding from it. And hidden in his scruffy saffron locks were two red horns.

It fucking worked.

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