007. ʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ɪɴ

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He lead them to squat under a window sill. The noise from the house being more clear. Lanas pleas for them stop had gotten louder.

The three had their backs to wall. Their bodies shaking in fear. Rue and JJ gave John B a pleading look to go, which he ignored.

"Where is it Lana!" The intruder yelled smashing things.

Small, white specks fell on top of their heads. Rue brought her hands to her ears to block out the yelling. She turned to look at the boys who were equally as scared.

Rue shook her head as John B moved closer to look around the edge of the house. Over his shoulder, she could see the two guys from the marsh.

"Those are the guys who shot at us!" JJ whisper yelled to them.

John B slowly turned back around. "Get back." He whispered.

Once the two guys were gone, Rue didn't waste anytime in going inside the house. "Ms.Lana!" She called worriedly. Her eyes surveying the house for the woman.

Lana was cradled against the bathroom wall, sobbing. Rue ran to her and squatted down. "Are you okay?"

Lana flinched as Rue placed a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes wide looking at the teenagers.

"Rue, she's tweaking." JJ tried to get them to leave.

The brunette sharply turned to glare at him. "I'm not leaving her like this!" She seethed before turning back to the hurt woman. "Do you need a doctor? Want me to call the police?"

"No, no, no," Lana quickly denied. "No cops please!" She begged.

"Mm. That's not good. Come on, guys. Let's just go." JJ intervened gently grabbing Rues arm to pull her up. The girl softly but sternly pushed him away. The whole situation was crazy and she didn't want anyone touching her right now.

John B took Rues spot pulling out the compass.

"Are you serious?" Rue sighed disappointed by both of the boys actions. JJ obviously didn't want to be caught up in any of this but John B was determined. He didn't care about anything but that stupid compass.

Lana sobbed shaking her head. "You shouldn't be here." It sounded like a warning or maybe a plea.

"That's enough for me. Come on." John B pulled away from JJs hand.

"Wait, wait." He pushed the compass out further toward Lana. "Were the guys looking for this?"

At the sight of the compass, Lana's face went blank. It gave Rue chills how her emotions could change so quickly.

"This is my fathers, and Scooter had it." John B explained. "Why?"

"Scooter didn't have it, okay?" She refused. "Don't tell anyone that you have that!" Her voice rising.

Rue pulled the back of John B's shirt roughly. "You're done, let's go." He stood up but his eyes were still on Lana.

"They can't know! You've gotta get out of here!"

"What do you know about the compass?" John B yelled back. His voice desperate for any answer.

Rue pushed him into JJ so he could handle John B. "We gotta go!" He persuaded him to finally let it go.

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