"Do you make it a habit to let your cousins touch you in such an improper manner?" He narrowed his eye as he stepped closer towards her.

Her face dropped, but only for a moment. "Are you following me?"

"Yes. Now answer my question." He didn't care if he was caught red handed. He wanted answers as to why she let someone who wasn't him touch her.

She smirked, rolling her eyes when she saw the way his eye twitched. "Jealousy doesn't suit you, cousin."

"Neither does Lord Strong." He was now standing just inches from her, eyeing her down from head to toe.

She pressed her lips into a tight line. She hated how nasty he was about Rhaenyra's sons. If he wanted to be a prick and play his games so badly, then she'd have no problem giving him a taste of his own cruel medicine. "That has yet to be seen. Prince Jacerys would be quite a formidable match, would he not?"

Aemond took a step back and laughed dryly. "You cannot be serious right now."

She shrugged nonchalantly and turned to casually stroll away from him. "You said to think my betrothal over this week and I am. I have to consider all options, don't I?"

He caught up to her side, never looking away from her as they walked the streets. All he heard from her was one thing. "So you are having second thoughts on your betrothal?"

She glared at him from the corner of her eye then looked ahead. "I said I was considering my options."

"And you're seriously considering Jacerys?" He grimaced. He knew no personal space with her as snaked his arm around her waist protectively. The crowd around them started to grow as they made their way through the streets. He kept her close to him just in case.

She looked up at him with an eye roll. "Should I not? He is a formidable match and actually wants to get to know me instead of inside me every chance he gets."

He smirked while one of his fingers rubbed gently against her waist. So Jacerys hasn't touched her. "So tell me who you really are then."

Her head tilted with her eyebrows furrowed together, but he kept that smug smile the entire time. She shook her head with a small laugh and continued on. "I don't have time for this. I have to go find Jacerys."

"Let me be clear, my lady." He looked around them to see if anyone could see them, and then he shoved her up against the wall in a darkened alley. His hands pressed against the cobblestone on either side of her, boxing her in. He leaned his face close to hers and spoke in a low, commanding voice. "I waited six whole fucking years for you. If you think for one moment that I'm just going to let you run off with some random cunt lord or my fucking nephew of all people, then you're sadly mistaken. You. Belong. To. Me."

Her breath caught in the back of her throat. She could feel his breath fanning against her lips and every last sense of reason slipping from her. He was so intoxicating to be around. Everything about him was temptation, but could she be damned? For him?

His hands slid under her shirt, exploring the bare skin of her waist as a small shudder ran through her. Right where he wanted her. His for the taking. Her words might argue, but there was no denying the way he made her feel. It was written all over her face.

"You were made for me. Your mind, your heart, your body...all made for me and me alone." He pressed his body up against hers, allowing her to feel the hardness growing in his trousers for her. His eye was fixed solely on her as his hands slid up along her waist, just stopping below the sides of her breasts. He licked his lips, just inches from her as he whispered. "Or do I need to remind you once more, Jeyne?"

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