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Tall boys with deep voices and curly hair. I always had a thing for them.

So uhm, yeah,  I have this tiny tiny crush on Mr-Arrogant-who-signs-my-paycheck.

"You're fired" he spoke in such a calm voice.

Okay , uhm. 
He is always so calm and collected, which makes him more scary and hot. Like okay ,not always.

"Sir, but.." I started but he cut me off

"You knew that deal was important, didn't you ? "


I need this job.

" Sir, there was this pregnant lady who needed help and she was alone. So I just lost , I don't know how but I lost track of time. I'm sorry "
Okay , that's good. I didn't stuttered. And i said it. Wow.

He is esoteric and different from others. People would stare at him in awe and fear. He has this intimidating aura around him , which pulls me towards him.

He is dangerous with his gray eyes and tattooed muscled body. He is very desirable and he knows it well. For him nothing and no one came before work. I never saw him with women's.
There were times, when he would ask me to send them a bouquet, but that's it.
He has this powerful, masculine and irresistible presence.

Okay , enough about him .
And right now , he is staring at me with furrowed brows , as if he is trying to figure me out. Can he ?

Please say something!

He hummed and dismissed me with his hands. Okay, that was strange.
Am I fired ? Am I supposed to leave right now ? Or  Am I supposed to work?

"One coffee. Right now." He ordered

So, guess what I'm not fired.

Sometimes he acts like a psychopath.
No emotions. No feelings.
Maybe he needs someone. A doctor?

And I still feel this pull towards him.
So maybe I need a doctor too.
I don't know.

It's not like , I love him. Nope. There is something else between us , which runs deeper than that.
But he doesn't know about my tiny winy crush, otherwise he would have fired me. He don't like girls swooning over him.

So , I kept my feelings in check. Always.

Sometimes I feel he has this empty spot inside him. His eyes holds so much darkness and emptiness.

Because we never realise how frozen we are until someone starts to melt our ice.
Maybe he needs someone to melt his ice

~ It's Him And I ~ Where stories live. Discover now